Woodfords wherry clearing temperature

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Apr 24, 2013
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My wherry is kegged and has been sat in a water bath at 22 for 2 days to kick in the secondary ferment. The instructions now say keep in a cool place for 2 weeks to allow the beer to clear. What's meant by cool place? What temperature is best for the next period.
a cold floor in a garage is best......
as cool a place as you can find and the yeasts will be quicker to drop out of suspension leaving a clear beer.
certainly turn any heat off, its the last thing you want...drop some ice cubes in the water if you wish
2 days doesn't sound long. Many say 7-10 days warm then move to cold, though my Wherry has carbonated well and has cleared a lot in just 5 days or so - I did a plastic 'test' bottle so I can feel the pressure.
It's fizzing like mad to be fair when I sampled it. Would you suggest another day or 2 in the water bath at 22?
I always do two weeks warm, two weeks somewhere cooler. As the weather warms up that gets more difficult, for now I put it into the cloakroom which is pretty cold as it's tacked onto the side of the house, and is hidden from the sun all day.