Woodfordes Wherry Review

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I made my wherry up to 20L and had an OG of 1.044 so should be about right :thumb:
Brewed this today,originally I brewed to 21L but I'd already started to rehydrate my yeast and the wort
temp was at 27c,so after chucking loads of ice in I got temp down to 23c which was the same as my yeast at that time
(Used S-04,after some advice on here) Used Tesco water at 17p a bottle,apart from ice :D and now
I've got 21.5L. 1st time today I stirred using my drill plus paint mixer and I'd highly recommend it,one for no
arm ache and 2 for a huge froth head on top. In fact it looked like a huge pint. :thumb: OG came out at 1041
and tasted very sweet.
this is my 3rd werry the first 2 were good but this one seems to be very flat and tastes very sour ( 3 bottles opened ) made up to 23l as per instructions no additions sanitation was good sg 1.44 fg 1.12 and primed bottles with 1/2 tsp brewers sugar, its been in the bottles for 4 weeks now the only thing i did notice was like an oily film on top of the brew after primary ( 13 days ) but this dissipated in the secondary vessel. This one is just about drinkable but not a patch on the other 2 i have made. any ideas as to what has gone wrong with this one.

thanks in advance

Hi i'd be grateful for some advice please

i started this kit on 5 january at 1039.

on 9 january i did a test and it came out at 1008.

i have done another test yesterday on the 10th january and got the same reading of 1008 so i think it has stopped fermenting.

but i am wondering whether anyone leaves it for a few more days or even another week or so in the hope that the flavour will improve and it will clear etc?

The fermenting tub is in the kitchen and the temperature variation in there is between 15 and 20C so i have been using a tank heater at 20c .i still have this on. should i now turn it off and what does everyone think about leaving it for a bit longer with or without the heater on?

cheers : )
I tend to leave mine in primary for 2 weeks, you could leave it somewhere cooler for a week then bottle/keg :thumb:

Had a few pints of mine last night that was kegged beginning of November. Was a very nice beer, feel it could still do with a bit longer to mature.

Glad I picked up two when they were on offer :D Yet to brew the second, haven't read through the thread but what would be suggestions to improve the kit or should I just make it to standard again?
thanks i was just wondering if the temperature variation mattered or not once the fermentation had finished, or whether it is better to use a tank heater if i'm giving it a bit longer.
My gravity seems quite different to others. Started at 1028 and is currently at 1006 after a week. I tested my hydrometer previously in water, and it came out accurate. I thought I mixed it properly, any ideas?
I sampled mine this weekend; it was put on to brew on the 15/11/2013. Already at 2 months old it is a very nice pint, so I am looking forward to how this one improves with age! will definitely make this again.

Mine is brewed in the garage, so tank heater is on all the time, 14 to 16 days in the FV for me
This seemed a popular choice for new brewers and at 15 quid from Wilkos a real bargain. Only started it on new years day. Went with the minimum days in FV and the temperature fluctuated between 20 & 23 degrees. Racked after four days but probably should've left it much longer. I was worried that it would be too long otherwise as I was away from home for a week after that. I know better now... Anyway it's been in the attic at about 10 degrees after priming with brewing sugar and just had my first taste from the pressure barrel. I'm really impressed that it doesn't taste like home brew. In fact it's a really decent pint with a good kick of alcohol. Great head on it too. Just wondering if it will clear a bit in the coming weeks. For some reason I can't upload a pic but I'm pleased so far. I might carbonate it soon as I don't think I'll get through 40 pints very quickly but as there's so much fizz in it already I wonder if it's worth it? Going for Brewferm triple next in bottles. Next brew day scheduled for 8 Feb. :D
My recent Wherry was my first brew after a long lay off. Got it on on on Boxing day, bottled a week later at 1012. Had about 4 bottles of it so far and it is pretty good. It didn't have much warm conditioning and it is stored in my garden cabin which at the moment is colder than a penguins balls (situation to be rectified by a fridge fermenter/conditioner build as soon as the bits arrive :electric: ). I tend to bring the bottle in for an hour, decant into a jug then pour with a bit of vigour into the glass. This avoids any sediment and helps persuade the CO2 to come out of solution and give just a little carbonation - which is just how I like it. I was fairly stingy with the batch prime anyway at 50g. My Coopers stout went into a barrel with 100g and has more than enough carbonation to go round!!
Just started off my first Wherry kit, just short of 23 lts. set the heater to 20c.
will leave for a week and see how its doing the og was 1040.
what have people been getting fg wise?? I know it says 1014 on the box,
but it does seem a bit high!!
beechwood said:
Just started off my first Wherry kit, just short of 23 lts. set the heater to 20c.
will leave for a week and see how its doing the og was 1040.
what have people been getting fg wise?? I know it says 1014 on the box,
but it does seem a bit high!!

Be aware of the infamous '1020' sticking point.

My FG on the Wherry was 1010 as can be seen here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=43016
WeeDave said:
Be aware of the infamous '1020' sticking point.

Has anyone encountered a stuck Wherry fermentation at 1020 recently - I thought the phenomenon was a thing of the past and had since been rectified? Pretty sure I've read somewhere that the kit yeast was changed and this removed the problem. Anyone?
No stuck fermentation for me, in fact it went like a rocket down to 1014 after only 4 days. Have done this kit as my second ever brew as a bit of tweaking for a friend's birthday. I did it with 300g of Brew kit enhancer, brewed shortish to 21 litres and have dry hopped with a teabag of Goldings hops....tasted pretty good from the trial jar tonight.....loving this brewing lark.
I'm about to start this kit but thinking of brewing short to bump up the ABV as I like a strong beer. People seem to have gone down to 21 or 22L with it but would it still taste good if I went as far as 20L?

Looking forward to making it as it easily seems to be the most popular kit out there.
Barrelled this one up yesterday, fg when down to 1010 so it came out at 4%
(it is slightly less than I was hoping for but never mind, next time I'll brew it short
to 20 lts) og was 1040 and it was in the fermenter for 1 week, heater set to 20c.
I'll give it a good 3 weeks before sampling, the sample jar was pretty good.