Woodfordes Wherry Review

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The Ostrich said:
1) The fermentation started well and in the first day frothed to say 1 1/2 inches. This has now subsided and the only signs i have without opening is a positive pressure gently bulging the lid of the FV... is this normal or should i expect to see a yeasty froth all the time?
My Wherry did exactly this. I left it 9 days before taking a reading with minimal obvious signs of activity from about day 3 (and it was mostly done but could/should have been left longer). Tastes lovely.
Too lovely it seems, as it's about to disappear completely :drink:

I must investigate that leak in my pressure barrel!

It has finally started to clear after a month in the barrel and is tasting very good. A lovely pale ale and a nice easy drinking pint. I was very impressed at the way it carbonated in the barrel, nothing like staring at the settling pint you've just poured when its one you've watched ferment. (I'm sure AG brewers get an even bigger kick!) I kept wanting to show SWMBO but alas she wasn't very impressed :hmm:

I'm going to brew a heavier (not necessarily stronger) beer next to hopefully slow the rate at which I empty the barrel. Whilst I have no other home brews to compare it to, I'm very impressed if this is the sort of result I'm going to be consuming!
Just had my first bottle! After being in the garage for two weeks it's as clear as a bell!!

Carbonated well! Keeping its head and tastes blinking marvelous for a first go at a kit! I'll try to add a photo when I can figure out how to add one!!
Mine is 8 weeks into the process and is still cloudy with a lot of floating yeast.

The taste is there but it's pretty disappointing in its appearance.
I have a Wherry in the pressure barrel at the moment. Brewed to 23 litres, in FV for 10 days 'til it got down to 1014 from 1042, then transferred to the barrel with 90g white sugar.

Tried it yesterday after around 12 days in the barrel. Of course, it's still very young, so it's still cloudy, but it tastes pretty good already. My main concern at this point is that it still seems fairly flat - this has been brewed specifically for a Halloween party at the end of the month, where I'm hoping it will be a hit, so I'm counting on it turning around in the next couple of weeks! Any suggestions for speeding up the carbonation?

Full disclosure: This is my first brew I've transferred to a pressure barrel, and like an idiot, I transferred it by pretty much sticking the barrel below my FV and letting the beer just fall from the tap. I've since found out I should have gently syphoned the beer from one vessel to the other, as the air that would have been added to the beer during transfer could potentially spoil it. Could this be having an effect on the carbonation?
this was my first beer after getting back into brewing, the fv was left for 7 days in the airing cupboard! temp must have been mid to late 20,s no off tones though, and it seemed to ferment out in 3 days. the 1020 was never an issue,probably down to the higher temperature. was a fantastic pint for my first brew.i have got another that i picked from wilko for£16 and will brew this today in a water bath controlled to 20deg , so i will be able to see if i get the 1020 stick.both brews used the yeast supplied in the kit.

After all my worries and mistakes - it still turned out very drinkable. I have now managed to procure a freezer which, thanks to help from here, I have rehashed with a STC1000 ( what a great bit of kit!! ) and now have started my next two batches. Still using the two can packs from Woodfordes until I can knock up some sort of mash tun but this time I am trying the Nelsons Revenge.

As a newbie I can think of no better way to enter this fascinating and truly enjoyable hobby and would highly recommend this as a good starter.

For anyones knowledge this is how it went

f.v. for 12 days
added sugar and left it for another 5 days - due to incompetence and work!
added more sugar in a solution and decanted to bottles - both glass and plastic cola ones ( any port in a storm !!! )
left at 30 degs (ambient temp ) for a few days then into the fridge.

Tried at various stages because I am impatient and thirsty - cleared nicely after about a week in the fridge

Its now been 6 weeks since the start and it gets better each and every time I sup it

After being disappointed with my Wherry a week or two ago I tried another bottle the other day and the difference in a week is amazing.
It's now crystal clear and tastes pretty good :thumb:
I've just put my wherry into 2nd fv for clearing with a 12g ekg hop t-bag. Will bottle/cornie next week. Can't wait to try this near Christmas and see what difference the t-bag makes to the flavour or if its enough as only 12g
I have a Wherry in the primary at the moment, its been in for 2 and a half days now and I have a nice big Krausen on top. I sampled some yesterday at the homebrew store that I go to, that had been brewed by the owner and it was superb. A little sweet as it had only been in the keg 10 days but I would devour the whole lot if I had that sitting in my kitchen. Can't wait to rack mine and get it in a keg!
My second brew, OG 1044 had a massive reaction in the first couple of days calming down around day three. Down to 1020 at day three & four so I gave it a stir and moved off the kitchen tiles and it dropped down to 1012 by day 7. Finished at 2012 (checked three days straight) so bottled yesterday (day 12). My kegs still got coopers in so I went down the range and got 45 PET bottles for a fiver :tongue:

Couldn't help taking a sample and it's a little sweet but already very nice! looking forward to a bit of carbonation and some conditioning. Brewed this one for Xmas so it should be perfect by then!!! Of course I'll sample some before then though!
Down to £16 in my local Wilkinsons :thumb:
Grabbed the last one off the shelf
Put this on about 10 days ago now, I checked 2 days ago and it was stuck at the dreaded 1.020. I put the the fv somewhere a little warmer to try and get it going again and today it is down to 1.017. Should I still give it a stir or just let it do it's thing for a few more days and check gravity again?
Sone said:
Put this on about 10 days ago now, I checked 2 days ago and it was stuck at the dreaded 1.020. I put the the fv somewhere a little warmer to try and get it going again and today it is down to 1.017. Should I still give it a stir or just let it do it's thing for a few more days and check gravity again?
A gentle stir with a sanitised spoon should do the trick :thumb:
joe1002 said:
Sone said:
Put this on about 10 days ago now, I checked 2 days ago and it was stuck at the dreaded 1.020. I put the the fv somewhere a little warmer to try and get it going again and today it is down to 1.017. Should I still give it a stir or just let it do it's thing for a few more days and check gravity again?
A gentle stir with a sanitised spoon should do the trick :thumb:

Down to 1.014 after giving it a stir, if it stays the same after a few more days shall I go ahead and bottle? Cheers :thumb:
I've had this bottle conditioning now for 8 weeks and am now tucking in as I type. Having previously done the Woodfordes Admirals Reserve, I have to say the similarity between these two is quite noticeable indeed. The Wherry is definately much darker, maltier and less fruity than the AR, but the two are certainly similar nonetheless. So much so that I'm not yet sure which I would say I 'prefer'.

No doubts though why people rave above this - it's not a bad pint at all! :thumb:
Did my Wherry at the beginning of September and added 25g of Amarillo pellets 4 days before bottling.

I forgot to cover the syphon wand with the muslin bag that I used for my Festival and so got more sediment in my bottles than I should have. :(

It's taking a lot longer to clear than usual but we tried a couple of bottles last night and it tastes fantastic.

I expect it to be ready by Christmas :D
Got my first home brew equipment kit on Saturday and a Woodforde's Wherry kit and had a go on Saturday with help from someone who is more advanced to show me the ropes. Fermenting now and i have found myself keep going to check it for bubbles and temp. It's like my little baby and I have found myself just standing there watching it.

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