Chairman of the Bored
I know there's quite a lot of info out there on this strain as it's quite popular. But I thought I'd record my experiences with it.
I chose WLP001 as I want a summer/temp tolerent yeast that I can also pseudo lager with. I'd read WLP001 stays clean even at the top end of it's temp toleraces (25C/26C). Whereas US-05 can give off peachy tasting esters, otherwise I woulld have used that instead
This is the first time I've used White Labs yeast and it came a one of those newer pure pitch sachet thingys. I portioned off two litres of my wort and crash cooled it and added the WLP001 and fermented it out whilst the main body of wort was cooling for a couple of days. It seemed to ferment out a little faster then when I usaually make starter and had finished off gassing/krausen had dropped by the morning of day two. Usually my starters need the full 2 days.
I pitched it and the following morning it was fizzing away. By the evening a large krausen had grown. I was quite surprised by the size of the krausen (about 2") as when I've used US-05 the krausen isn't that big. My habit of cleaning my FV's with soapy water generally tends to retard the size of krausens so It might have been even bigger and possibly needed a blow off tube. So far it seems to be fermenting away vigoursly. More so than US-05. I'm quite pleased with it so far
I chose WLP001 as I want a summer/temp tolerent yeast that I can also pseudo lager with. I'd read WLP001 stays clean even at the top end of it's temp toleraces (25C/26C). Whereas US-05 can give off peachy tasting esters, otherwise I woulld have used that instead
This is the first time I've used White Labs yeast and it came a one of those newer pure pitch sachet thingys. I portioned off two litres of my wort and crash cooled it and added the WLP001 and fermented it out whilst the main body of wort was cooling for a couple of days. It seemed to ferment out a little faster then when I usaually make starter and had finished off gassing/krausen had dropped by the morning of day two. Usually my starters need the full 2 days.
I pitched it and the following morning it was fizzing away. By the evening a large krausen had grown. I was quite surprised by the size of the krausen (about 2") as when I've used US-05 the krausen isn't that big. My habit of cleaning my FV's with soapy water generally tends to retard the size of krausens so It might have been even bigger and possibly needed a blow off tube. So far it seems to be fermenting away vigoursly. More so than US-05. I'm quite pleased with it so far