If it hasn't already been addressed (too many posts to read through), focusing on subpar areas accomplishes, as a whole, nothing unless, in the same breath, you find out what can legitimately be done to improve the area with realistic solutions.
Simply, it is quite like society to watch a person toss a piece of trash on the street and litter and then complain, "Oh, look, that person just littered," and do nothing. That's being a spectator and is an non-optimum state of being.
Pick up the trash. Provide a solution.
Well, at least in one regard, there's been a teensy-tiny bit of progress in this town recently.
Slough chief executive Josie Wragg sacked for "gross misconduct"
Too bad it's a drop in the ocean compared to everything else that's been going on here, and greatly contributed towards the continuing decline of the area...
'Rich list' reveals 2,500 council bosses earning £100k - and some get six times that
UK: Labour-run Slough council declares bankruptcy after failed commercial deals
Days after an election, council reveals 90% of its savings have disappeared
Slough Borough Council considers selling £600m worth of assets
What do the two damning reports say about Slough Council? - What's On In Windsor & Slough
Slough council leader's resignation rejected by Labour group amid cash woes
When a town's had the highest paid government officials in the country for the past decade (BoJo and all his cronies included), only to declare bankruptcy, having had a total alloted annual budget of under £150M, but "mismanaged" (i.e, embellezed) so much of their finances over the years that they've got a financial 'black hole' that's now known to stand at almost £480M as of right now (compared to the "£94M by 2025" estimate at the time when they declared bankruptcy, and "£174M by 2025" a couple of months after that) on top of borrowing debts of £760M (+an
extra £36M today), in spite of having also accumulated over £1.2Bn worth of acquired property assets in that time, across the country and internationally.
If you've seen
The Batman yet, you'll get the reference- "Renewal is a Lie". At least in that movie's Gotham, the 'Gotham Renewal Fund' was only $1 Billion US- a single philantropist's charitable donation, which got mis-appropriated by the mob and by corrupt local government officials instead of going towards the urban renewal of a city with a population of several million people. In Slough though, IRL, there's been more than twice that sum, sourced directly from local taxpayers and via criminal levels of borrowing instead, that's all been ploughed into the Slough Urban Renewal Fund, half owned by the council and half by Morgan Sindall- almost £2bn (up from the £1bn quoted when the contract was awarded), in a town with a population of c.160k.
Even if our council had been doing what they were supposed to have been doing, Slough already had the lowest public spending per capita of any borough in the entire UK, of less than £10k per capita. As it turns out though, since more than half of those funds were being spent upon "investments" (including one purchased from several of the council members' own increasingly extensive property portfolios, at extortionate above-market prices) or misappropriated under the premise of the 'Slough Urban Renewal Fund' all along, has been less than half of that- meaning that the actual government funding going towards the area and the people who live here in Slough's been under £5k per capita all along, comparable to those of nations like Barbados, Cuba, Latvia and Venezuela. And it shows...