What's the crappiest place in the UK?

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I live in Ireland and haven't visited many on the list. I would imagine the areas and City's listed have high unemployment. Most people don't choose where they are from, you are born into that situation. I grew up on the council estates, I didn't realise I was poor until I got older because everyone was in the same boat. It was brilliant craic
I live in a beautiful City but has one of the highest levels of unemployment in the UK and Ireland. Slowly it's changing for the better, so maybe the people that live on that list just need a better chance in life. The other major problem is long term planning. Most city's were not designed to hold the amount of people and cars present today.
I see Plymouth is 44th on the list (i think). Perhaps 30 years ago that would be right, Plymouth is a nice city now, the university has done wonders for it's redevelopment. The rough areas down Union Street have largely gone and it's a decent place to visit with it's Aquarium, history, proximity to Dartmoor etc. It's one big selling point of course is that it's just across the water from Cornwall!

Why not list nicest but least known places. Imagine living in one of the towns listed as worst and reading this thread.. First and last look at this forum.

Members usually register to ask home brew related questions they rarely dive straight into the Snug with a dig at other members threads, if you want a "where is the nicest place in the country" thread feel free to start one.
Funny how the Ukraine is the only war people discuss yet wars have been going on elsewhere for many years.

It is sad to say, but there are currently ongoing wars or minor conflicts in around three dozen countries, most of them in the Middle East, North West Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, and a major ongoing drug-war in Mexico.
Wikipedia lists around 40 ongoing wars and conflicts

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If it hasn't already been addressed (too many posts to read through), focusing on subpar areas accomplishes, as a whole, nothing unless, in the same breath, you find out what can legitimately be done to improve the area with realistic solutions.
Simply, it is quite like society to watch a person toss a piece of trash on the street and litter and then complain, "Oh, look, that person just littered," and do nothing. That's being a spectator and is an non-optimum state of being.
Pick up the trash. Provide a solution.
Money is the solution the problem is there is little to go around to improve these places.
I'll respectfully disagree about money being the solution @Chippy_Tea. Money is needed, of course, but If it were solely that, throwing up some tax-payer-paid apartments would have solved one of our problems of homelessness here. It didn't. Maybe we are saying the same thing though--money used for effective programs.
I don't think it's a big surprise that how we treat our poor here from the get-go is a basis for our problems. We keep the poor poor and then drugs, apathy, crime follow in the wake of that.
My point is that pointing out bad situations alone doesn't do any good except to cement people into a spectator attitude.
I see Plymouth is 44th on the list (i think). Perhaps 30 years ago that would be right, Plymouth is a nice city now, the university has done wonders for it's redevelopment. The rough areas down Union Street have largely gone and it's a decent place to visit with it's Aquarium, history, proximity to Dartmoor etc. It's one big selling point of course is that it's just across the water from Cornwall!

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Pirans day! Good to see the flag, pint of proper job clone to celebrate, though not quite there yet. Plymouth was rough 30 yrs ago when I lived there, as was Middlesbrough, both towns took a kicking from recessions, people were great though on the whole. Most unfriendly place lived has to be London though.
Members usually register to ask home brew related questions they rarely dive straight into the Snug with a dig at other members threads, if you want a "where is the nicest place in the country" thread feel free to start one.
Seeing as @pauljohnstoneuk said
Imagine living in one of the towns listed as worst and reading this thread.. First and last look at this forum.
and that was his first post my guess is he lives in one of the places listed and won't be back to start a thread about the nicest places to live.
and that was his first post my guess is he lives in one of the places listed and won't be back to start a thread about the nicest places to live.

I hope he didn't register just to make that point then leave for good as that would have been a total waste of his time.
THis is confusing seems to have merged with Russia Ukriane lol

I haven't been to a lot of them places but drove through Alesbury the other week and It didn't stand out as being awful.

I mean compared to the likes of Hounslow slough ect
I'll respectfully disagree about money being the solution @Chippy_Tea. Money is needed, of course, but If it were solely that, throwing up some tax-payer-paid apartments would have solved one of our problems of homelessness here. It didn't. Maybe we are saying the same thing though--money used for effective programs.
I don't think it's a big surprise that how we treat our poor here from the get-go is a basis for our problems. We keep the poor poor and then drugs, apathy, crime follow in the wake of that.
My point is that pointing out bad situations alone doesn't do any good except to cement people into a spectator attitude.
Look at the North Wales seaside town of Rhyl. Absolutely heaving probably from the 50's to the early 80's. Millions of visitors spending millions of pounds. In recent years its started a regeneration programme as it went into huge unemployment, drugs and degradation.
My question is...where did all the money go? It certainly wasn't invested back into the community. Or maybe the business owners invested it elsewhere. True,package holidays abroad killed a lot of UK trade but you only have to look at areas in Devon and Cornwall to see what's achievable.
I hope he didn't register just to make that point then leave for good as that would have been a total waste of his time.
Most strange that somebody should register on a Brewing forum and not use it for what it is meant for.
Most other forums have a off Forum section for other chat so not unusual at all to have none forum debates and Ps I would guess a large percentage of people living in the afore mentioned areas would agree they are S$%*
Look at the North Wales seaside town of Rhyl. Absolutely heaving probably from the 50's to the early 80's. Millions of visitors spending millions of pounds. In recent years its started a regeneration programme as it went into huge unemployment, drugs and degradation.
My question is...where did all the money go? It certainly wasn't invested back into the community. Or maybe the business owners invested it elsewhere. True,package holidays abroad killed a lot of UK trade but you only have to look at areas in Devon and Cornwall to see what's achievable.
Yep, badly paid seasonal jobs and villages “dying” due to second homes and holiday let’s, some of the worst poverty in the country. I don’t know anyone whose kids can afford to rent let alone buy anymore in Cornwall.
Apologies just used the Ukraine conflict as context. I’m not sure how you rate a crappy place to live as all towns and cities have dodgy places. I’ll go back to my beer


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