I thought spraymalt was DME?
Depend how you use the initials DME ...
I 've noticed a frew more recent Brewers more often from the US using these initials to mean "dried malt extract" in which case it is the same as Spraymalt.
- they often take it as contrasted to LME - liquid malt extract
Older brewerssometimes use DME (or DMS) and the one I grew up with is Diastatic Malt Extract/Syrup - which means a Malt extract that preserves the diastase.
It can be used as a base malt in recipes as the enzymes can break down the starches in adjunct grains which be added. a common
In the UK it was often supplied by The English Diastatic Malt Extract Company whose name was changed to EDME Ltd in the 1990's
I made a couple of recipes this way but quickly decided to revert to all grain brewing.
The rise of all grain brewing and the availability of larger quantities of base malts to home brewers has reduced the demand for DME (Diastatic Malt extract) in Homebrew supplies so the usaeage of DME to dried malt extract has taken over .
Worth bearing in mind when using recipes from older brewers though - brewing is full of brewers using the same name to refer to totally different products - even teh end result of the brewing!