Whats everyone drinking?

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Had a bottle of Cottleigh Buzzards earlier and followed it up with a honeyed TC which wend down rather well.

had a few Loch Ness brewery beers last night the lightNESS and HoppyNess, both under 4%, lovely beers, very drinkable and sessionable at under 4% very impressed. I'm not being biased being a Scot and all that but there must be something in the water up here, I dunno if its just because the beers are fresher they taste so much better, or if us Scots are just better brewers! I've had a Windswept Brweing Co Blonde Pale ale aswell which was nice but my Amarillo APA was better!
I'm drinking a Witbier I brewed from a Brupaks mash kit about two months ago. Very hoppy and bitter, it had orange peel in the mash which has matured to taste quite peachy. I was a bit skeptical at first but it's matured really nicely to the extent I might do it again fairly soon.

It's quite strong too, I don't have a hydrometer but I'm guessing it's about 8-10%, nice to drink while listening to music :P
I'm drinking my lager which I brewed in June and I must say its really good, only complaint I have is that its not holding its head very well...but tastes awesome!
just cracked open a bottle of Hoppyness Is An IPA from the Brewing Classic Styles book. great example of an AIPA. cheers.
Nothing for 9 days because of tablets I'm on, got a load of razorback bottled too :-(
Broadside (three for a fiver at Sainsbury's) followed by a bottle of Pilgrims Hope
Trying Worthy Red Label for the first time - £1 a bottle at Home Bargians which I recently found out has a branch near us (the only possible reason I can think of for visiting the taxonomic dustbin that is Milford Haven. Anyway the Red is not bad at all. I believe you can harvest the yeast, though there doesn't seem to be much in there and no real cloudiness
Bottle of 1698 waiting in the fridge for me after i get my daughter off to sleep.
Nearly through a 2litre bottle of 'Simply' Lager.

I thought it had gone a bit wrong when I first did it, but it's just took its time clearing. And it has improved with keeping. A rough guess at strength (maybe haven't measured right) is that it's about 5.3%, a mate says it tastes stronger. For a first batch I'm certainly not complaining, other than how little I have left, something like 7 litres - it 'was' brewed for Xmas, whoops! ... or should that be 'it's a shame I have to drink it cos the mrs says it's too strong a flavour for her'

But it goes down very well! Can't wait for the next few kits of 'as-yet-undecided' to come out!

To everyone on here, have a good xmas and :cheers:

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