Whats everyone drinking?

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Drinking My 1st Ag Bathhams Best Bitter. Very nice brew.
Looking how to afford a a imperial stout and the 2 cornie kegs needed. .....
Sorted gaffer has just gave me a days overtime for the next 5 weeks. Rush job on!
Any body looking for a job change be a transport refridgeration engineer. Everybody need cold foods moving!!!
CptnCrackoff said:
I'm drinkin plenty of water - swine flu!! :cry:

Get well soon Cptn :thumb:

Brains SA Gold for me at the mo :cheers:
Tonight im drinking these - on special in ASDA only a £1 per bottle.
And for today were drinking coca-cola paracetamol and lemsip I feel rubbish bloody man-flu...
Half a pint of head and half a pint of Pendle Witch, Think the keg needs to loose some pressure!!!!!
Nice tipple though it's still young, Need to keep checking Bi daily it's nearly there ;)
I had half a bottle of Kitoogs wine, i'm not a wine drinker so all i can say is that it tasted like wine! nothing nasty about it ;) Although after half a bottle i've had to switch to the beer cause it's a school night :oops:
damfoose said:
And for today were drinking coca-cola paracetamol and lemsip I feel rubbish bloody man-flu...

Ah thats going around, I had my 3 days of coughing up flourescent stuff last week :thumb:
Wez said:
damfoose said:
And for today were drinking coca-cola paracetamol and lemsip I feel rubbish bloody man-flu...

Ah thats going around, I had my 3 days of coughing up flourescent stuff last week :thumb:

Yup horrible stuff so I have taken the unusual step of queling it with a few pints of Mild Squirrel tonight.... Rather nice I must say.
Hi Guys... :cheers:

Havin a few Goached fine light..
Hops, Grain and Yeast from the local Brewry
Its very close to real stuff but this one is 4%abv instead of 3.7

Weather seems good so im firing up the ol BBQ...

Nice looking pint bones :cheers:

We had a hectic day making sure our 2yo daughter had a good birthday, now all is quiet a few wheat beers and maybe a glass or two of wine :cheers:
TGIF.. :cheers:

FYI i've got that snotty Green Virus.. :(

I will kick off the weekend with my all challenger brew @ 4.7

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