What to add to a Coopers Original Stout

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Nov 13, 2013
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This Stout will be my 5th brew so im very much still a novice!!
Just been reading the review thread on this Coopers Stout but im a little confused. Im reading that *some* people add spray malt, brewing sugar, normal suger, treacle & syrup. All my other kits havent needed anything added so im not sure what to add and at what stage? I do like guinness so maybe thats a rough guide how i would like it to turn out.

Im starting this one tomorrow so could do with some advise on what to do

Thanks ever so muchly..
I've been looking forward to doing this kit for some time - I love a good stout. I'm planning on adding a kilo of brew enhancer and some treacle, but I've heard different advice on the amounts. I'd like some treacle flavour but don't want to overpower it. I'm thinking half a tin, maybe.
One tin of treacle is OK but no more.

Really you can add what you like. I think the instructions say 1Kg of sugar. You can add that or DME, or dextrose, or a mixture, and add more or less than 1Kg, and brew short if you like. Treacle is an entirely optional extra that may mean you want to let it mature longer before you drink it, depending on personal taste, because it can be a bit overpowering at first.

It's fine brewed according to the instructions, by the way.

I've done it a few times and usually add 1.5Kg of extra fermentables, usually 500g sugar 500g DME and then 500g of either treacle or LME (well slightly less, according to the jar / tin size).
mcc111 said:
I've been looking forward to doing this kit for some time - I love a good stout. I'm planning on adding a kilo of brew enhancer and some treacle, but I've heard different advice on the amounts. I'd like some treacle flavour but don't want to overpower it. I'm thinking half a tin, maybe.
Robd said:
This Stout will be my 5th brew so im very much still a novice!!
Just been reading the review thread on this Coopers Stout but im a little confused. Im reading that *some* people add spray malt, brewing sugar, normal suger, treacle & syrup. All my other kits havent needed anything added so im not sure what to add and at what stage? I do like guinness so maybe thats a rough guide how i would like it to turn out.

Im starting this one tomorrow so could do with some advise on what to do

Thanks ever so muchly..

This was my first ever attempt at home brew.

I made this using:
The kit can
1kg Coopers Brew Enhancer 2
I tin of 450g Black Treacle
20L water
OG 1.050
FG 1.011
19.5c for 10 days
1 Coopers Carb. Drop per bottle

Taste wise, it was a bit on the sweet side to start with and I could taste the treacle but it wasn't overpowering. Now after a few weeks in the bottles the treacle has mellowed a lot and it is not so sweet tasting anymore.

But of course, everyones taste buds are different!

Iv'e got another kit on the go at the moment using exactly the ingredients and when thats done, Iv'e got another one to start. As you can see, this is gonna be one of my favorites.

Happy Brewing!

Just spotted you like Guinness.
My added ingredients WON'T be like a Guinness. Maybe you could leave out the treacle and dry hop it?
But as Iv'e only done 5 brews, you may have to wait for someone more experienced to advise you.

Alll the best

The first time you do a particular kit, I reckon it's worth pretty much following the instructions. Otherwise you can't be sure what difference your tweaks have made.

That said, both times I've done the Cooper's stout I've added 1kg of dark DME and 250g of molasses sugar, and both times it's been delicious.
I went with a kilo of dark dried malt extract and half a can of treacle all added at the same time as the coopers can.

It came out really nice. It was tasty early on but the longer I left it the more body it got. It's really nice and rich now after about 4 months in the bottle.
Hope you don't mind if I piggy-back this question too, as I am about to do this one too.

Can someone enlighten me as to the outcome of using light vs extra-dark spraymalt in stout?
I brewed this a wee bit short (22ish). Subbed the sugar for 1kg dark spray malt plus 500g of soft dark brown sugar and a large espresso kettle of strong coffee. The smell when it was fermenting was awesome. Early tastes are similarly good.
re the spray malt, i believe the main difference is colour. So if all you have is light DME I'm sure it would be grand. Reckon you'd notice it less that way round than if you used dark DME in say a larger or pale.
I did the coopers irish stout as my second brew. Did it with 1KG of Mutons Beer enhancer and a tin of black treacle. Has been in the bottle for about a month now and is lovely , still a bit sweet so so nice. Saving it for st paddy's day weekend can't wait to get stuck into it with my mates. But at the moment is a slightly sweet Guinness.
Thanks for your replies ;-)

My wife got my coopers stout kit last night and also got 1kg of Wilkos brewing sugar which also says on the back "Dextrose Monohydrate." Will this be ok instead of granulated sugar? I was going to more or less do my first stout as instructions say and then tweak for my second batch.
Sorry if this seems a dum question but im brewing this later today and dont want to mess it up. I was also going to short brew it to 20L and wondered if this is really necessary?

Thanks Rob..
That's fine (the dextrose) instead of ordinary sugar. And you don't need to brew short to 20l, the kit is OK to 23l.

If you like it you'll surely be putting another one at some point in the future, and then you can adjust according to taste depending on how you liked this one.
Robd said:
Thanks for your replies ;-)

My wife got my coopers stout kit last night and also got 1kg of Wilkos brewing sugar which also says on the back "Dextrose Monohydrate." Will this be ok instead of granulated sugar? I was going to more or less do my first stout as instructions say and then tweak for my second batch.
Sorry if this seems a dum question but im brewing this later today and dont want to mess it up. I was also going to short brew it to 20L and wondered if this is really necessary?

Thanks Rob..

I brewed short to 20L purely to raise the alcohol level, I like my dark beers to be around 5%. My starting gravity was 1.050 and the final reading was 1.011 and I worked it out to be about 5%ish.


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