What do you have for breakfast on Christmas Day?

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Nov 23, 2010
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South Devon
Anything wierd and wonderful for Christmas day breakfast?

For some reason I've inherited a family tradition of Pork Pie and Mustard for Christmas Day breakfast. Really not sure when
or how that tradition came about, but it's a good job I bally love the stuff! :?

Goes great with Champagne...not.
3 pints of whatever they've got on in the local pub.

If I'm in a good mood, I might make SWMBO some scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and a bucks fizz, but I'm too busy in the kitchen to eat myself.
although I'll be in egypt this year avoiding the sharks :shock:
Real full english, mushrooms, black pud, beans, fried bread yum!
Then for dinner around 2pm a full indian meal at local curry house :thumb:
Then for supper anything thats in a keg. Effin Imperial comes to mind this year!

Get under the water Rob your saver than splashing around on the surface, They only come close once, after that they leave you alone, but the kick to the nose helps as well, didn't get it on film but would of made good money if I had!
When I was living at home my parents always did scrambled eggs, salmon and champagne but I hate salmon and don't really like champagne so I'd have the eggs and a can of lager.

Since moving in with SWMBO 4 years ago, we don't really do a Christmas breakfast, I think it was bacon butties, pringles, Grey Goose and JD last year but its all a bit of a blur?...
Bucks fizz, a healthy portion of arguments and disappointment followed by a sreving of irritation with ungrateful kids... :?

large gammon steak(cut from my own home smoked gammon)
black pudding,mushrooms,fried bread,tomato,pig kidney,duck eggs,b&b washed down with whatever hits the spot at the time.
A real heart attack breakfast but it's only once a year. :lol: :party: :thumb:
the full monty Bacon eggs sausage toms beans black pudding mushrooms fried slice pickled red cabbage brown sauce and coffee :grin:
sausage and egg on fresh crusty bread and a large glass of malt whisky,before i go to the pub
for a :drink: of best bitter :cheers:
I will get back home about 5 just in time for christmas dinner,then a kip till 7 30 pm
then more :drink: ing :hmm: there is not much on TV and the pub is not open tonight
so it's HB :drink: time :drunk:
2 paracetamol and a glass of water :oops:

only kidding, another smoked salmon and scrambled egg on home made granary bread :thumb:
Last year it was Champagne in bed with the Mrs then downstairs for a full english. Local bacon, black pudding, local sausage, mushrooms, fried toms, fried bread, eggy bread, beans, massive pot of tea, B&B.

It was that good I reckon this year will be something similar, appart from the sausage and bacon will probably be home made this year :thumb:

Followed by plenty of hand crafted ales.

this year I will have:
Guiseley Kolsch
San Fran Porter
Christmas 1st Gold
All Simcoe pale red
Mulled TC
Rum oaked TC
Strawberry and rhubarb mead
Parsnip wine (April 2009)

and the top draw of them all

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout clone that was brewed 02/01/2010

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Merry Christmas one and all
Cracking stuff there folks :thumb:

SHMBO has smoked salmon and scrambled eggs.
I go for the full English.....walk the dogs in the woods and then I get cracking in the kitchen to do the traditional Christmas fayre whilst getting through few pints and a few glasses of thoroughly decent red.

Have a good one, whatever you are up to.

Don't laugh .... snowballs - straight into the alcohol (of a sort). It's a tradition but christ knows how it started. Then a little later - open the bottles of good stuff and wash down the bacon off the top of the turkey!

Tony said:
Don't laugh .... snowballs - straight into the alcohol (of a sort). It's a tradition but christ knows how it started.

I'm with you with that one T, we used to have pop tarts for christmas breakfast when i lived at home. God only knows why, cos they are god awful, but once a family tradition is established they are hard to get rid of! (at least if you have a younger brother as stuborn as mine! lol)

Cereal, and hot meusli. Toast. :?

Lunch and dinner are when we roll out the turkey, hams, chicken, roast veges, sauasages, etc,etc,etc. :D

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