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Today I learned that once you have poured your strike water into your all in one, you should ensure the switch for the pump is off and / or the flow control tap closed before switching on at the mains.

Sorry to hear that, although it's probably bound to happen some time to anyone with an AIO vessel.
I am just marking time 'til it does to me - I've made a great deal of others over the last year.
Dropped (lots!) - broken (outcome!) - spilled - too much water - more than I care to remember really.
Still, the beer itself usually (always) ends up drinkable/drunk.
Somewhat like me.
Don't go to bed planning a brew, you get up have a coffee and light breakfast start setting up then walla your 7 year old grand daugther enters like a whirlwind shouting grandad grandad it's my birthday in 9 days :laugh8: :laugh8:
PCB's burn out,
Especially in dishwashers.
Even if it's a Bosch.
Cheapest reliable suitable replacement is £125!
Today I learned that, having lifted the malt pipe up, pressing down on the grist like you’re giving someone CPR will result in a nasty surprise when the bottom screen gives way.

Fortunately grains were in a bag and very little splash back, so nothing damaged, only pride and a bit of wiping up to do.
'******' I learned today that ****** is not a horses hoof, a young public school boy, or a round ball of pig's liver. I was looking through some art works and came across '****** pickers' not by just one artist but a few. Looking up the word ****** meant anything being collected be it sticks, grass or really anything. As the word is automatically edited it is fraggot with a silent 'r'.
'******' I learned today that ****** is not a horses hoof, a young public school boy, or a round ball of pig's liver. I was looking through some art works and came across '****** pickers' not by just one artist but a few. Looking up the word ****** meant anything being collected be it sticks, grass or really anything. As the word is automatically edited it is fraggot with a silent 'r'.

I have removed ****** from the swear filter its not something people in the U.K are going to use to slag someone off its way too tame. :laugh8:
Hate to admit, but mr brain's ******* was pretty tasty back in the day as was fray bentos pies......not sure i would have the same opinion on them these days.
They used to be called Brains ******* and my wife was convinced the were made from some animal's brain. I think they changed the name because lots of other people thought the same.
'******' I learned today that ****** is not a horses hoof, a young public school boy, or a round ball of pig's liver. I was looking through some art works and came across '****** pickers' not by just one artist but a few. Looking up the word ****** meant anything being collected be it sticks, grass or really anything. As the word is automatically edited it is fraggot with a silent 'r'.
I understood it to a bundle of those collacted objects. In my mind, I see a handful of sticks tied with twine in a neat package to be used as kindling perhaps.

The culinary version fits in here as it is a bundle of ingredients usually offal based. I enjoy eating them too. See them a lot in west Wales when we are down there and some local butchers here in Bath make their own too. I particularly enjoy the Venison versions sometimes available at the farmers market.
Today I learned not to rush a brewday….or leave your other half in charge of hop additions.
I started yesterday all organised, water sorted and nearly everything at arms reach with just the hops to get out the freezer and yeast from the fridge.
Had the day off work to do the school runs with my boy and get a brew done. But went for brekkie with the missus and a quick run to Ikea.
Big mistake.
When I got home I rushed everything to try and catch up. Forgot some hops in the mash (just trying it out), had to mash for an extra 20 mins because I forgot fo heat my sparge water and by the time I started the boil I had to go and get my boy. So I asked theoriginalmissus “can you put the hops in in half an hour. Which she does but because of a detour via the park on way home she misses the next one and one after that.
So after getting back on track and an extra 25 min boil I thought I was all good.
Which brings me to No 2.
Check your recipe. I ordered 500g crystal light for a bit of colour without checking my EBC’s it is very dark, darker than I expected. I hope it’ll be ok, drinkable at best.
Here’s the new brew sheet
https://firebasestorage.googleapis....ia&token=8c740e11-f3c2-429e-97a9-9d957bcdf1dbIt finished on 1.057