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11 days on - no further sign of activity. Took a reading of 1.008

about 3.4% abv? Probably ready-ish. Will re-read on Weds night.

Tasted the sample. Dry. Surprisingly subtle orange. Definite coriander hint.

Wish I'd hoyed in a bag of light DME, though. :-(

Ice-cold, fizzy......might be ok.

Did you boil the orange? You could always add a tea for more flavour. Anyway don't worry i bottled some Stout today at 3.7% ABV but sample still tasted good.
Thanks guys. I am going to test the gravity today. I have a sneaking suspicion it isn't 100% done......I suspect my FV lid is nothing like tight. I managed to get a bit of a fart out of it the other day.

I should be fine with the ABV. I deliberately didn't go mad with sugars because it was fresh in my mind that my last 2 brews were nigh on 6%. I'm 50 - and I'm too old for that ****.

On a daily basis, anyway.

Got up bright and early and made my first extract brew, after 2 years of kit brewing. Lovely smell of hops now wafting around the kitchen (that's why I started so early, to avoid complaints about the smell, from the family).
Its a basic English bitter, based on Timothy Taylor's Boltmaker.
OG spot on at 10 brix, hoping this will finish at about 3.5% for a nice session beer.

1kg Light DME
100g Crystal 140
20g EKG 60mins
15g Fuggles 10mins
Safale S-04 yeast
Up at 7 this morning for an early start. Easy Recipe:

Maris Otter 5.4kg
Crystal 280g

Pekko Pellets 20g @ 60
Cascade 20/20/60g @ 15/5/0

US05 to 25L in the FV.

Got over 70% efficiency for the first time. The MO was mainly from the last of an old 25kg bag and the rest from a new one. Stirred it well, as per the GF thread on efficiencies - doughing in took 25mins. No need to stir the mash after 15 mins, as the wort ran beautifully from the outset with the valve fully open.

This should be slightly less bitter than the Greg Hughes SHA's recipe on which this is shamelessly based.
Did my second Biab AG today, Strange Steve's Vermont IPA http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=67516 made to the exact recipe but I lowered the bittering hops to give me an IBU of 25. I mash in the full volume of liquor and so don't sparge just let the bag drain and give it a gentle squeeze, I'm surprised to be getting in excess of 80% efficiency. That's great I'm not complaing and I dialled it in for this brew, but my first AG was nearly 1.5% over the desired abv, is 80% typical for this method?
5 litre partial mash EPA ----------------60 min boil,60 min mash,Dunk sparge.
454 grm liquid malt
100 grm pale malt
50 grm lager malt
30 grm wheat malt
10 grm crystal
10 grm styrian goldings 60 min
5 grm cascade 10 min
6 grm cascade aroma 80c 1/2 pack ESB yeast re hydrated----------simply as i had 1/2 pack in fridge to be used up
OG 1.034 expected OG 1.009 3.27%abv 30.46 IBU 6.40 SRM
Left my thermometer in whilst cooling as per normal,couldn't work out why the cooling was taking so long!. Thermometer had a small split just above the bulb!!!!,luckily no liquid had escaped but crack enough to b####r the thermometer up-phewwwwwww:doh:
Got a new Peco Digital Boiler so tried it out with scraps I had:

3kg Irish Stout Malt (may have been Irish Ale malt lol, I dunno!)
10g Syrian Cardinal 9.2 60 minutes
25g Styrian Aurora 15 minutes
Irish Moss
Neale's English Ale Yeast (first I've tried this)

I'll write a review on the boiler on another thread, I'm coming from another Peco Boiler that the element had went in so I can give a fair comparison.

The digital reading made a big difference. I continually rinse the mash with the wort that worked great but I feel a cloudy beer is on the cards. I was also able to get accurate numbers for trub loss and boil off so I'll do a Czech lager on Saturday as I've 5kg of Irish Lager Malt to use up.
Coopers Dark Ale kit

500g dark DME
500g dark muscovado sugar
500g soft dark brown sugar
approx. 200g golden syrup

Brewed 22L

Og 1.055

Gonna dry hop (Fuggles) towards end of ferment.

This ones for me Dad. :thumb:
AG Biab #3 Greg Hughes Yorkshire Bitter as a Fathers Day gift for the FIL. Well he can have a case of 24 and I'll sup the rest :whistle:
keep us updated. Like the sound of that:)

few weeks ago I had my ghost ship clone in the fv, bottled it last weekend and cracked the first bottle this evening (yes it is still very young) however, my o my... On the nose, very similar to the real thing - flavour very close, still slightly yeasty but first impressions... I am impressed!

Abv. Wise, slightly missed the 4.2 I was aiming for, ended around 3.8%, so should be extremely sessionable. Happy to send out a taster for anyone who is interested.
A Worthington's white shield clone (5.2â„…) from Graham wheelers brew your own ale recipe book.
Which I've just checked with brewers friend abv calculator I've got exactly correct which I never expected.
Pitched some crossmyloof us pale yeast.
Got a real bottle of the stuff kept by for a comparison when myns done.
few weeks ago I had my ghost ship clone in the fv, bottled it last weekend and cracked the first bottle this evening (yes it is still very young) however, my o my... On the nose, very similar to the real thing - flavour very close, still slightly yeasty but first impressions... I am impressed!

Abv. Wise, slightly missed the 4.2 I was aiming for, ended around 3.8%, so should be extremely sessionable. Happy to send out a taster for anyone who is interested.
Will be doing one come the autumn. I have a recipie to work to.
Went out and played golf. When I got back I decided I should get a brew on. So I did myself a tasty little NEIPA recipe I've been working on for a few weeks.

It's just steeping now so we will see how it turns out [emoji1303]

4kg MO and golden promise
1kg golden naked oats
0.5kg wheat malt
0.25kg aromatic malt
0.05 aciduated malt

45oC for 25 mins and 67oC mash for 90 mins with the usual mash out at 75oC.

Citra bittering with a massive steep of citra, Amarillo, comet and chinook circa 200 grams [emoji6]

Wyeast English ale III followed up by a 5 day and 7 day dry hop of the same hops in a different combo.

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600g root ginger grated
3 tsp ginger powder
2 limes sliced
1 handfull of raisins
1kg sugar
200g muscovado sugar
1 pkt champagne yeast

boiled the above less sugar and yeast obviously! with some water for 30 mins, added sugar, topped up to 12L with cold water added yeast.

Bubbling away like a good un.

will post results when I have them.
I also made a hard ginger beer today, just a 4.5l demijohn. Nice fun little side project as I was making lunch! Very similar recipe to theboocrew but with white sugar.

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Got on V2 of an AIPA recipe today.
Trying out the Crisp Clear Choice pale malt for the first time, to see if it results in a clearer brew - the wort looked clearer than usual so fingers crossed.
I brewed a amarillo single hop beer from geterbrewed
done this one before it grate hoppy one well I think so
maybe one day I will brew something other than a bitter type beer
600g root ginger grated
3 tsp ginger powder
2 limes sliced
1 handfull of raisins
1kg sugar
200g muscovado sugar
1 pkt champagne yeast

boiled the above less sugar and yeast obviously! with some water for 30 mins, added sugar, topped up to 12L with cold water added yeast.

Bubbling away like a good un.

will post results when I have them.

Sounds fun, what was the OG mate?
My mead is ready for bottling and I need another fun ferment for the demijohn
Brewed a nelson sauvin hopped saison today. I've wanted to brew with these hops for a while now, roll on 4 weeks time..