Czech Pills, 46l batch
7kg Pilsen
250g Vienna
100g Biscuit
100g Melanoidin
100g Carapils
Straight RO water, no additions bar lactic for PH adjustment
70min mash @63c in 33l water
21l sparge water @72c
30min boil
35g Columbus @30min
20g Saaz, whirfloc, nutrients @10mins
30g Saaz @5min
60g Saaz flameout, let stand for 15mins before single pass through counterflow chiller to fv.
pitched onto slurry of 34/70 from a light lager kegged last night.
Was aiming for a 3.8%er but ended up hitting 79% efficiency so should end up around 4.2%
Pitched onto slurry at 11am @18c and was spunding at 10psi by 3pm. Will hold at 20c for 4 days