Or you could be send them to me, an impartial judge ðŸËâ°
:lol: I'm always up for swap if you fancy trying it when its done :
Or you could be send them to me, an impartial judge ðŸËâ°
:lol: I'm always up for swap if you fancy trying it when its done :
100%. Although you are getting a rough deal ðŸÂ»
Wanted to try doing a Cereal Mash, so brewed a Wild Rice American Lager (68% Pale Malt, 8% Munich, 10% Wild Rice, 14% Basmati).
My 2 penneth for what it's worth.Had some issues with my brew today. Firstly, I had already started before checking my freshly delivered ingredients, leading to a realisation that I hadn't ordered the Challenger hops I thought I had - anyway, I decided to use the Belma and in-stock Williamette hops for the bittering instead, having recalculated amount required to achieve a similar IBU.
My recipe was:
3kg Golden Promise
1kg Hook Head
10g Belma (60 minute boil)
5g Williamette (60 minute boil)
5g Belma (last 10 mins)
5g Hull Melon (last 10 mins)
15g Belma (end of boil)
15g Hull Melon (end of boil)
The first issue is that I'd read various advice on how long you should steep hops for at the end of the boil. I left mine for 10 mins and then began the cooling, leaving the hops in for a few more minutes. I've since read this may lead to infection?
The next issue was that as I turned my hose on for my immersion chiller, the fitting leaked with some force, spurting water into my wort. Although it's tap water, it's from my outside hose pipe which is quite a concern.
I then drained my wort into the fermenter at a little higher than pitch temperature as I had read it would lose some heat during this process. Despite aerating for some time (even outside at one point) I could not get the wort below 23c. Eventually the Mrs wanted the kitchen (and Me) back and so, with temperature reading of 22.9 - 23.1 across the wort, I pitched the yeast
Based on the above is it worth keeping?
After fermentation I plan to rack some off into a demijohn containing strawberry purée as an experiment. Both hops supposedly provide strawberry flavours and aromas so it should be a good match (and the Mrs wanna a fruity beer :lol:)
Any thoughts / advice welcomed please :hmm: