This is a beer I sort of remember from my younger days, but never really drank much of, if any. My researches tell me that it is quite similar to the Black Sheep Riggwelter that I have copied twice to good effect, and am drinking as I post.
After my research, which suggested going for a Porter but with Roasted Barley rather than Black Malt to go with the Chocolate malt I went with this as a malt profile:
Maris Otter 5.35kg
Brown Malt 300g
Wheat Malt 250g
Crystal / Choc / RB 600g in total, split as follows, for reasons of emptying bags as much as anything: 213g / 211g / 176g.
Also added 500g of dark and unrefined sugar, seeing as this is an Old Ale.
Bittered with Pilgrim @ 25g at first wort and then added Fuggles 19g @ 10m and 19g @ 0mins, again the quantities empty the Fuggles bag in the freezer.
Went well, with the only slight glitch being the necessity to give the rather large 6.5kg grain bill a good stirring up after about 15 mins into the mash.
It does seem as if, every time I use wheat in the mash, the grain compacts noticeably and needs breaking up.