What are you scared of?

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little spiders don't bother me - I'll pick them up, drop the outside - so why do their big cousins give me the heebie-jeevies every time?? (and I'm still taking UK spiders here - not the blasted Australian monsters!)

I grab handfulls of bog roll and squish them in a way-tighter-than needed death grip :evil:

Other than that, I hate needles, but I always, always, strive to push the fear back and just get on with it :hmm:
Hard hitting made me cry.

It annoys me so much when you see mothers sat in the back of a car cradling a new born baby or kids with out seatbelts. Surely they are the most important thing to you in the world and you protect them at all costs. Making basic mistakes like that is not acceptable.

Lecture over.
My Missus... especially when I've flooded her shed/home office with beer...

On a serious level heights really freak me out, but I have an odd relationship with heights in that I sort of secretly like them. Go figure, 9 bungies and counting and slowly saving up to get qualified as a Paraglider.
WASPS.....Hate the little 8astards..sting for no reason...they turn me into an arm waving...running maniac.

and believe it or not....I'm a beekeeper...lovely furry things far too busy to sting random persons and have absolutely no interest in a barbecue.

Wasps and yeast....the only things I kill! :twisted: