What are you scared of?

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Not bothered about creepy crawlies etc

......... it's Electrical storms that bother me, not so much frightened of them, but the damage they can do :?

I always go round unplugging everything, especially the 'phone.

The local 'phone lines and power lines (both overhead cables sharing the same poles) got struck a few years ago, our neighbours had all sorts of problems we were fortunate :!:

although rather ironically, when we've been abroad and there's been a tropical storm I can watch them from the balcony for ages :roll: barmy or what :whistle:
Forget creepy crawiies, snakes. electrical stoms, etc, etc.....
This scares me....
Aleman said:
The new Forum Ninjas . . . Sneaky little beggars :shock:
Although more seriously, My nightmares that have me waking up sweating and shaking involve crossing high rope and wood suspension bridges . . . Like the one in The Temple of Doom . . . Because we have so many of them here in Blackpool :roll: . . . And yet heights no problem. . . . Walker Spur on the Grand Jorasses

Climbing via ferrata on the dolomites . . . yeah one handed . . . Wobbly rope bridges . . . cold, cold, sweat
Deep water, whether it be swimming in it or riding over it in a boat or diving in it (not so bad when you get to the bottom) :eek: :eek: :eek: and considering I spent 3 years working of a fish farm on the west coast of Scotland and they paid me to become a commercial diver :lol: :lol: :lol: makes me think I should have concoured my fear.

Blood tests :twisted:
And I have no idea why :wha:
I'm a diabetic using insulin so it's definately not the needle that scares me, but just the thought of blood tests leaves me in a cold sweat.

Going for a little lie down now :oops:
Bugs and creepy crawlies. Never liked them! Had a long horned beetle fall onto me in bed while in South Africa! Scared the sheet out of me! :eek: :eek: :eek:
leedsbrew said:
Bugs and creepy crawlies. Never liked them! Had a long horned beetle fall onto me in bed while in South Africa! Scared the sheet out of me! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I cycled round france once in my youth, we were camping and I got dressed one morning, put on my skin tight cycling shorts, only to feel something in my nether regions. On closer inspection I found a massive beetle!! :x :x :x

Just thought I would share that with the group hope you don't mind.

Beetles scare the bejesus out of me, I think it's the way their outter crust splits open, wings pop out and then they fly ewwww :sick: and people keep telling me I should like ladybirds :nono:
Duncs said:
Beetles scare the bejesus out of me........

yeah their music never did that much for me either, but I tolerated it 'cos the birds liked it at the time, more of a rock man me :hmm: or am I slightly off topic here :lol:
My wife and daughter are going away for a week on the 18th, hell they might come back :shock: :shock: :shock:
Getting Booed off stage at a gig (touch wood not happened yet)

Im petrified of Dentist's. I dont mind hights but I hate being on top of high loads to sheet them.
Not taking any chance I can get to enjoy life, Scares me the most I would hate not to be able to go out and do different things each month

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