Barca v Celtic
Mon the hoops
Barca v Celtic
Mon the hoops
How would you filter it ? Cold crash it and then through a nylon bag ?
Sorry, was busy
Got this one:
No beer for me the last two weeks, needed to work
Wasn't planning on having a drink but working in this heat whilst building a new car port roof drove me to it. Two Hefeweizen from that groupon deal months ago
I feel for you am on the Stout. :) What size filters do you use? Have you tried re using them and how do you like it? I have seen a guy rinse his in starsan and leave it to drip dry. The lager i made could definitely do with filtering.
Same here. My whole stock is gone. I was left drinking Asahi lager last night. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad lager. But that's the only beer you can get. The only. Craft beer has just started here. Some stores carry 1 or 2 but that's it. ZERO IPAS.