Junior Member
Broke open an early bottle of my extract witbier,pretty good even at just coming out of the cooler:thumb:
Having one of my Chestnut Ale.Lovely as I had never eaten chestnuts before and was worried when I mashed the chestnuts with the grain.Shall definitely brew this again.
Sent from my ALE-L21
On one condition that you bring some back for me as they are bloody expensive at ã3.50 for 500g from LIDL.Recipe please 'cos in France, next to where we spend autumn, there are literally hundreds of wild chestnut trees that drop their nuts all over the roads.
It would be nice to have another use other than roasting them. :thumb:
Started the day after Halloween, maybe a Spiced Pumpkin & Chestnut Beer would just about be ready to sup by Christmas? :thumb:
On one condition that you bring some back for me as they are bloody expensive at ��ã3.50 for 500g from LIDL.
Sent from my ALE-L21
RecipeDream on! [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]
After an hour's backbreaking work picking them up and another hour's work trying not to get stabbed as you get them out of their cases the "Seven pounds a kilo!" price tag from Lidl starts to look very tempting! :thumb:
Plus, unlike the commercial variety that get sprayed regularly, wild châtaignes often contain wee beasties in the form of caterpillars and maggots; and believe me, you wouldn't want to make a beer with those!
The good news is that, after Halloween last year, Lidl were selling their pumpkins at 10p each so I made a Spiced Pumpkin Beer from a Wilco Cerveza Kit as per the attached link.
It tasted superb. This year I will double the All Spice because although it retained a faint aroma the taste was very muted.
Enjoy! :thumb:
I'm glad you mention a Wherry 'cos "Me too!" :thumb:
However, I think I had my very first "stuck" Wherry when, back in mid-January, I transferred it to the Wilco keg; where it rapidly came "unstuck"!
I've been drinking it for a couple of weeks now (check the level in the photograph) and it is still pressurised to ridiculous proportions (as shown by the heads on the glass and the jug).
Luckily, the Wilco Keg didn't give way so I now have a lot of confidence in it ... :thumb:
... and an utter determination to NEVER keg a brew without double checking the FG, which in this case I had read as 1.014!
Live and learn; if you live long enough! :whistle: :whistle:
It's been a busy afternoon and I am on my way for a nap! Why?
Well, tomorrow I go for an interview with a Specialist Urologist about a persistent UTI I have had since 1972 and this afternoon the Clinic Nurse phoned me and asked that I attend "with a full bladder"!
"No problem!" I replied and started on the process by having a tasting session! :thumb:
Photographs are as follows:
o A very new (started 7th February) and hardly carbonated Pale Ale.
o A slightly older (started 22nd January) and better carbonated Bitter.
o An "stuck" Woodfordes Wherry (started on 5th January) that came unstuck in the keg.
o A Fulstows Marsh Mild (started 2nd December last year) that is now perfect but down to my last three pints.
SWMBO has just arrived back from a walk and her first words were "Full bladder? Will they never learn?" (Actually, she swore so I have edited the response for the sake of any kiddies that may read the Forum!) :lol: :lol:
I was going for a nap but those last few Marsh Milds are beckoning! :grin: :grin: