Whilst picking up a pizza in co op I picked up a goose island IPA, not one for me...
so to balance things out its a ichtegem's flemish red ale grand cru 2012 up next:thumb:
I discovered that the King Keg (full of Fulstows Northfields IPA) had decided to release the CO2 that it was so happy to hold on to during carbonation last week!
I poured a couple of pints to release the remaining CO2 and checked the two seals. After two years of constant use I wasn't really surprised to discover that both of them were terribly perished, leaking badly and in urgent need of replacement; and luckily I had a couple of spare seals. :thumb:
I replaced the seals (not the easiest of jobs but finally accomplished with the aid of a tiny screwdriver), put the KK back into service using a couple of CO2 capsules and supped the two pints of very young, cloudy and not fully conditioned IPA.
At best they tasted "okay" so I will check the carbonation tomorrow to make sure that the seals are holding and put the KK back on the shelf for another couple of weeks before having another taste.
Live and learn eh? I have put an alarm on my phone to "Change Seals on Kegs" for mid-June 2018. At a couple of quid per keg it will be worth knowing that the seals will be okay for another eighteen months! :thumb:
after 3 of my own beers and wavering towards a brooklyn black chocolate stout, I went for a cup of tea. washing 15 packets of dme/dwe because some had burst in the order I received today must have sobered me up. :-(
I went into the garage earlier and pulled a pint of oatmeal stout from a keg, drunk that whilst selecting an earlier made stout, a apple and raspberry cider and a heavily hopped red American ale. To walk back to the house I had another stout from the keg.
The best had to be the red which was made in November 2015, full of citra and tastes amazing.
Brewferm Abdij then a Brewferm Grand Cru, been in the bottle about 4+ months now and I'm blown away with how mellow and authentically Belgian they taste, no doubt down to the yeast but bugger me, they're good :) followed up with a variety of IPA, Stout and Cwtch. Feeling wobbly!
Haven't had an alcoholic drink for three weeks, and today was the first day I've really wanted one. I had a tonic water with two wedges of lime in it and convinced myself I could taste gin!
Tonight I am drinking a kit beer from April 2016. Wilko Cerveza brewed to 14L with 350g of Brew enhancer and 15g of Nuggett hops 5 days before bottling.
Stunned at how good this is for a one can kit beer. A cheap kit at that. The Nuggett hops add a depth of flavour that is quite extordinary after 8 months in a PET bottle.
A Fursty Ferret,Hoppy Hen,Old Speckled Hen, Old Crafty Hen and a Brucy bonus which I brewed for Christmas and I shall have to brew again.Oh I'm watching snooker ...
Tonight's delights. An old faithful to start then some of a friend homebrew to try and to finish off one of my Mint Chocolate Stouts. ðŸËŽðŸâÅ