What are you drinking tonight 2024.

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Oh nice, there’s a lot going on there. I have put something along the lines of the ZJ Beamish clone into BrewFather, no crystal malts but with a bit of chocolate rye. It’ll be iteration No1 of the house nitro stout.
Found these at Lidl today. They must be relatively new as I've never noticed them before. Surprisingly, the BIPA tasted just like my own AG version. Happy with that! The Stag Do was really really tasty too. Defo buying these again.


Brew day. And a beer at the finish.
Both a Camden Pale Ale clone.
First attempt in the glass, 2nd brew just completed and in the brew cask.
The first I brewed as 'light and hoppy style'. A tad too light overall for my taste, but it is beautifully hoppy, the opening taste of rich citrussy orange is unusual.
This 2nd I've brewed as 'balanced style'. Time will tell which I'll prefer in the long run.
The joys of comparisons to come.
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