Another guest ale. This is a Dubbel from @Subtle Duck and weighs in at 7.2%.
Beautiful clear brown colour and a nice fluffy head. The head dissipated after a couple of minutes but the ale was nicely carbonated.
The aroma is classically Belgian and absolutely on point with Belgian esters, dark sweet malt and stone fruit.
The flavour is gorgeous and again classic Belgian - sweet dark candi, dark caramel malt, ripe prunes, slightly solventy alcohol (in a nice way). I’m very happy with this accomplished beer.
Feeling very spoilt tonight by two great beers. Happy days for sure!
Beautiful clear brown colour and a nice fluffy head. The head dissipated after a couple of minutes but the ale was nicely carbonated.

The aroma is classically Belgian and absolutely on point with Belgian esters, dark sweet malt and stone fruit.
The flavour is gorgeous and again classic Belgian - sweet dark candi, dark caramel malt, ripe prunes, slightly solventy alcohol (in a nice way). I’m very happy with this accomplished beer.
Feeling very spoilt tonight by two great beers. Happy days for sure!