"Southern Softie" Southern Brown Ale by
My only experience of any brown ale is Newcastle Brown Ale, which I don't like. This is much nicer.
Carbonation is low but sufficient, which suits me fine for this beer.
Looks darker and more black in the picture but this is definitely brown.
I don't get much aroma but the taste is quite a rich, malty, biscuitey sweetness - and that's sweet in a good way, not the cloying sickly sweet way.
I get a bit of pleasant fruitiness which I think is coming from the yeast - don't think you said in the recipe but I'm guessing S-04 judging by the way it stuck to the bottle.
It's growing on me actually, more than I thought it would at first sip. I don't think this is something I'd want to make a whole batch of, but that's just down to personal preference. But I'd definitely drink another one