@matt76 dark czech lager, absolutely awful pic, sorry.
Aroma, malty perhaps some spicy hop.
Appearance, very dark, almost black, pretty clear, white head which lingers for perhaps half the glass.
Flavour, first impressions are really roasty. As you get used to that it becomes more complex maltiness. Perhaps a bit of coffee, but also a little bit of a burnt taste to it? Hops come through as it warms.
Medium bodied, sweet bit not cloying. Reading the bjcp guidelines perhaps over carbonated, but for me its perfect again.
For me it's a lovely beer, I'm not overly used to the style but it seems to match the bjcp guidelines. There is perhaps a burnt taste to it which I'm not overly keen on, dunno if you picked this up? I'm nit picking though, overall this is a lovely beer again and I'd demolish another like a shot.
Thanks for sharing!