A very easy drinking traditional IPA
Very nice it is

Very nice it is
sad day today, trying out hazelwoods cardamon saison and it poured out flat...
however I still drank it and it was quite delicious. has a very nice saison spice in the aroma. flavour is spicey and fruity, kind of an orange, lemon and mango fruitiness. surprisingly malty as well which is likely due to the lack of carbonation. I don't really know what cardamon tastes like but there is something uniquely spice like there. overall it is really good even flat, but I could imagine it was spectacular with carbonation. Sometimes you eat the bear and well sometimes the bear eats you.
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Partying with the kids....don't ruin your slippers H !I’ve lost track now because of partying with the kids!It’s one cardamom saison and four (or maybe five?) Summer Breeze. I did take a photo of the saison earlier...
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Partying with the kids....don't ruin your slippers H !
I hope you haven't got feet like mine...they're like beasts claws!
I'm pretty sure he's insulating today, or possibly building a nuclear reactor to heat up his boil kettle.
Thats one of my favourite brews H enjoy
I hope you've had a great big fry up...