What are you drinking 2024.

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While cooking dinner first off Jamils Bitter.

Next up Poes Boston Bitter.

Last but not least a Milk Stout.

Seen a few people digging out old bottles, I found this Mosaic, Citra & Cascade pale ale I brewed in December 2021 ( AG #20 ).
Amazed at how fresh it tastes, lovely lacing lasting down the glass.

View attachment 104366

Inspired by that, I thought I might try the same.
A bottling fom April but brewed a year ago.
Tastes like tired cider.
Down the drain!
We'll it was only a desperate end of cask try out.
Tant pis!

Much better, my last Camden Pale ale clone.
N. B. it always tastes more hoppy after the bitter (which also is hoppy).
Don't know why. 🍻
Pacific Ale clone of Stone & Wood, while colour and bitterness are not to par with the original this is an outstanding drink. I am glad I still have some left after the Barby.


I found some beers with a puzzling GB on the bottle tops, which turns out to be Golden Bitter, carbonation has increased while I have been away but still a good hop-forward beer. Delicious!
As the weather is a bit miserable I’m cooking a beef stew in a couple of pints of my porter. While that’s in the oven another taste of my NEIPA which I’ve decided to rename “Divergent” because “Afterglow” is already taken by a commercial NEIPA. The new name kind of fits also because a NEIPA is a bit divergent for me.

