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Post pizza wine with Camembert and dipping breads made from a leftover base. Yum yum pigs bum.

We got kicked off spoons you can’t sit outside with a dog wtf
Seriously what kind of pub doesn’t have at least one dog (I like dogs enough to realise I am too lazy to own one but always happy when a random friendly dog passes me in a pub it’s why I keep on trying to persuade my parents that what they really want is another dog so I can dogsit now and then and maybe go for a lazy Sunday walk but not have to be up at 6AM in the pouring rain to walk afore mentioned dog).

As for me a pint of cask Abbot and yes I am eying the Golden Retriever in the corner.

We got kicked off spoons you can’t sit outside with a dog wtf
It's not great, my daughter used to work at a spoons, apparently the rule has always been no dogs but was a little bit manager's discretion a while back, her pub used to overlook it, then someone got bitten in one of the pubs somewhere, apparently not that bad but the "victim" kicked off, since then the rule has been reinforced. It's a shame but I suppose big company reactions. We'd love to take our dog there and she's the softest black lab you could ever meet, loves pubs too.
It's not great, my daughter used to work at a spoons, apparently the rule has always been no dogs but was a little bit manager's discretion a while back, her pub used to overlook it, then someone got bitten in one of the pubs somewhere, apparently not that bad but the "victim" kicked off, since then the rule has been reinforced. It's a shame but I suppose big company reactions. We'd love to take our dog there and she's the softest black lab you could ever meet, loves pubs too.
sorry thats the problem, my dog doesn't bite. I stroked the dog and it bit me.... jethro will finish the rest off. :laugh8:

JDW has a no dogs policy. go somewhere else. I frequently visit bars where dogs are allowed but when they start barking at each other or howling or determined to sniff your crotch i'm outta there. There are too many owners for my liking that are oblivious to the fact that their dogs aren't angels.

I'm more a cat person but fur 'n ' feathers allergy put a stop to having a cat stay with us. asad. I've no problem with a separate area for dogs, like coffee no 1 has, but then there's always the ignorant owner that fetches a big dog in outside of the dog area. Hey, I don't mind being in a minority and having a smaller space than dog owners but I need a bit of dog free space. I think covid has led to an increase in irresponsible owners that don't give 2 💩 about anyone else.

As for JDW customers dogs, I visit a lots of JDW's - I'm a carpet collector 😉 and some of their customers you'd absolutely not want to meet their dog. pitbull, rott etc cruelly treated ready to attack.

cat's - you might get a scratch - I'd still get a sneeze.
I hate those who think their doggy is an angel, this morning a woman who had 3 of those thrings that look carpet. slippers had a go at my jack russell none were on a lead my jack got a proper hold of one of them and she was shouting at me to get her off so i said get your fecking dogs on a lead, this was on a park dean holiday park she turned out to be an owner who thinks the rules don’t apply to her
I hate it when they dont have the dog on a lead and under control and it jumps up at you, they then say "Get down - sorry about that" its too ******* late when your jeans are filthy or you are nervous around dogs, its not the dogs fault its stupid owners,.

I would also ban the use of those long leads in towns etc you cannot control your dog when its 20 feet from you on the end of a piece of string they should only be allowed in parks and open places.
I hate it when they dont have the dog on a lead and under control and it jumps up at you, they then say "Get down - sorry about that" its too ******* late when your jeans are filthy or you are nervous around dogs, its not the dogs fault its stupid owners,.

I would also ban the use of those long leads in towns etc you cannot control your dog when its 20 feet from you on the end of a piece of string they should only be allowed in parks and open places.
You can if the dog is properly trained. Its lacking of training that is the issue. Everyone thinks they know how to do it but don't.
You can if the dog is properly trained. Its lacking of training that is the issue. Everyone thinks they know how to do it but don't.
This is the problem there are too many idiots who bought a cute little puppy for the family forgetting 12 months later the cute little fellow has turned into a full grown ******** machine that inconveniently needs to empty itself when they are settling down to watch the TV and have a beer.

These are the ones you see on the grass patch at the end of the street smoking a fag as the pooch runs round oni it's peice of string looking for somewhere to have a dump, these are also the ones most likely to leave that **** where it drops.

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