well done that man....

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Jun 25, 2012
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Has anyone seen the news report of the zoo that had a large car park outside. Fees were £1.50p per car and £7 for busses. ( cheaper than those around ) So it was a busy place. Everyday it was full and for 25 years a man in a yellow coat oversaw it. Never having a day off.
Then one day he never turned up.. the zoo officials wrote to the Council asking them if another man could be sent to take over the duties... The Council wrote back sorry we don't employ anyone there its your car park,surely not said the zoo, isn't it yours....

So for 25 years this man had installed his own ticket machine and collected the monies himself... then he disappeared. No-one ever knew who he was or where he went.
Its estimated he collected over £500 per day....so that's over £5 million pounds he made in 25yrs..... :D :D

I hope he is having a nice retirement somewhere on a warm beach...he's earned it.
I agree re myth.....but isn't it heartwarming...... :D
I remember many many years ago in spain we used to stay with a relative who lived in quite a remote place north of Malaga, anyway we used to go and do our shopping in the local town and parked our car in 'the council carpark' I little bloke with his official hat and leather purse use to collect 50 pesetas off us. After two weeks of this we asked our relative about it he burst into laughter and said we had been had, he was a homeless man making a few bob. :lol: :lol:
Some years ago, a bloke in Sheffield put on a security guard uniform and stood next to the main night safe of a big bank on a Saturday night..He put a sign over the night safe saying that it was out of order and to give your stuff to the security guard.....he took loads of evening takings from night clubs and bars...he never got caught
Its a myth

It was supposed to be at Bristol Zoo, i live near there and have been several times.
Theres a strip of land outside used as the car park and one day the bloke stopped turning up

The rest of it is an urban legend and never happened. One local paper printed the story then had to retract it later.

If it had been true the HMRC would be tracking him down like a murderer:

40% tax on £5,000,000 is £2,000,000 and they all want to retire at 50 with huge pensions so they would never let him get away with it.

nice idea though

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