VOTE! THBF pint glass slogan!

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Choose your favourite 3 slogans!

  • Hop off i'm brewing!

  • I talk it, I make it, I drink it, Beer of course

  • Beer Depository

  • Sobriety is a curable condition

  • Dude, where's my bar?

  • I'm not drunk, just chemically inconvenienced

  • When in doubt, add more beer

  • Beer improves with age - the older I get the more I like it

  • To brew or not to brew, that is the question

  • Brewing gets you started, Beer keeps you going

  • Drink is the ability to fully appreciate life

  • Good beer for ye who makes it

  • Making the trip from Grain to Glass

  • A glass of Grains & Hops

  • This pint is mine, make your own!

  • Good beer comes to those who work for it

  • I make it, drink it & love it

  • Homebrew - HOP off it's mine!

  • Made by me, Drunk by me & Loved by me

  • Beer, with Colour, Flavour & Aroma

  • FFS! Gimme HOMEBREW!

  • Drink your girlie bland beer

  • My Beer, My Way

  • This may be the drink talking, but I feel like another drink

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Following on from THIS THREAD i'd like to hear which slogans you like so i've added this poll, you can make 3 selections each, the winning slogan will be the one that goes onto the pint glass! (although that is subject to the glass company saying they can do it size-wise) if they can't we will have to step down the favorite slogans till we get one that fits.

No more suggestions please, as once i've started the poll it's a PITA to re-set it without loosing votes!


Oh & whoever's slogan wins the vote* gets a free glass!

*note this slogan may not end up on the glass due to the size issue mentioned above.
You can have up to 3 votes if you want DS :thumb:
davesiv said:
cant get back to make the other 2 :(

Same here, are we supposed to tick 3 selections before voting, didn't think I was able to tick three boxes. Sorry for being so thick :)

Screwy said:
davesiv said:
cant get back to make the other 2 :(

Same here, are we supposed to tick 3 selections before voting, didn't think I was able to tick three boxes. Sorry for being so thick :)


Fixed :thumb:
Thats so that people who only made one vote can go back and make their other 2 selections.

It shouldn't let you add more than 3 votes, i think if you try it just ignores all of your selections.
I think we know what the winner will be even after the few votes currently posted..... :thumb:
Muat admit I think one of them should read "To brew, or not to brew? What a damned stupid question!"
That would of been better Aleman! I'm sorry didn't think outside the box!! Worth a try though!
To stop the papers and Sky & BBC news ringing me all votes must be in by midnight on Sunday 14th June.

I'm being hounded by the press & it's not fair on the family, the world wants to know what the glasses are going to say - so we have to draw this to a close.

Just got wind of this vote thank you comsbiff.

I think I was talking to my self in the ideas section ha....although they wernt up to much. lol

I havent voted yet as I thought that there seemed to too many slogans that generalised it more to beer...surely it should be more aimed at the whole chabang?

Anyway I did like a couple...I thought the best was

My Beer, My way...although how about changing it to My Brew, My Way. I like it as its short and sweet.
"To brew, or not to brew? What a damned stupid question!" now that is a classic...shame about the length
Stoney said:
Just got wind of this vote thank you comsbiff.
No probs Stoney.
Stoney said:
I havent voted yet as I thought that there seemed to too many slogans that generalised it more to beer...surely it should be more aimed at the whole chabang?
Well, it is for a pint glass after all. It's rare (but not never :drink: ) that I drink wine from a pint glass!
Well, it is for a pint glass after all. It's rare (but not never :drink: ) that I drink wine from a pint glass!

Ha ha... I see your point!! sorry i was thinking the slogan was for the site in general oops.
Nice one Tubby Shaw!

The slogan..

"This Pint's Mine, Make Your Own!"

Will be going on the forum glasses!
let us know when they are ready Wez. cant wait to get my hands on mine. :cheers:

and congratulations TS on picking the wining slogan :clap