Out of Control
Hadn't got no cheese, but did have this composting soya bean salad and squishy tomatoes.
Mmmmmmm, composting soya bean salad and squishy tomatoes! My favourite!Hadn't got no cheese, but did have this composting soya bean salad and squishy tomatoes.
Hoy, it's Chevallier! None of that French nonsense that the spelling checkers try to dictate. The Rev. J. Chevallier will be turning in his grave.On a more serious note, very interesting and will have to seek out some chevalier malt
My sincere apologies my dear fellow. Anyway, upon reflection I'm not sure that I should pay heed to the malt recommendation of a bounder who eats composting soya beansHoy, it's Chevallier! None of that French nonsense that the spelling checkers try to dictate. The Rev. J. Chevallier will be turning in his grave.
Couldn't find your "AK", but did get quite a list of other Tetley's recipes. Amongst them was a XK which also described itself as a "Bitter Beer" from 1868. Similar style mash to what I did, and again, not too radically strong and bitter. Am I guessing right? XK could be a typo for AK 'cos my rudimentary knowledge of these letter designations makes me think "AK" fits it better?That's a bit odd, as I'd decided today to do a recipe from Eds site with a similar mashing schedule (a Tetley AK) so will be really interested in installment #2.
Hoy, it's Chevallier! None of that French nonsense that the spelling checkers try to dictate. The Rev. J. Chevallier will be turning in his grave.
Bah. Stuff and nonsense. Anyway, the capital "C" still stands, I don't think that can be argued?One or two l's are acceptable, both have been used over the years. The modern family (who are behind Aspall's cider) use two, but eg the great barley breeder E.S. Beaven referred to the barley with one. It's not something to get fussed over.
This being Victorian Lincolnshire, I'm still toiling in the fields, while my wife is cooking turnips for my tea.I hope your Mrs is hiding in the scullery and you've given the children a sound beating before you settle down to a gentleman's evening.