Okay, the "recipe":
A bit boring 'cos I've posted it already. But this one's adapted to what has been learnt throughout this thread. It's the Boddington's 1901 X-Ale.
Chosen because it is lighter on alcohol than some. OG1.045 ("Mild" remember!). On Page 1 I had suggested this might indicate an intention to make a different type of ale: Rubbish! The "provincial" brewers generally brewed 10 or 15 points lower than their London counterparts. I'll brew with S-33 yeast too, Nottingham is quite a bit more attenuative; mashing that Chevallier barley malt at "normal" temperatures will keep the FG up too. The No.4 Invert will be replaced with No.3 as recommended by
@patto1ro though no grade is recorded in the brewing books. But I'm beginning to see why Edd did suggest No.4; they were brewing ale for the workers, and they expected their ale dark. I've toyed with darkening additions (caramel colourants, black malt, etc.), but No.3 will do enough for this emulation (I expect getting hold of or even making No.4 will be a serious problem).
The grain will be all British (Crisp Maltings) despite
@patto1ro pointing out it would have been all Californian. The Chevallier will dominate completely, even at 36%, and even though Chevellier barley was being grown across the world, I do not know if any was coming from California? But I very much like Chevallier barley malt, so it's going in.

The other malts just represent the various other barleys that may have been used. Same for hops, they'll still be English, though I was tempted to get some "Brewer's Gold" as per Edd's recommendation, for it's typical "American" blackcurrant flavour hints (it is an English "Wye College" hop but developed in the early 20th century from an American - Canadian! - wild parent). Still, hopping is low and no hop is likely to dominate the end result.
Do remember, these worksheets are
my interpretation of recipes Edd published, for
my water profile and equipment. See Edd's original publication if adapting to your equipment (
Boddingtons Breweries Ltd X-ale).
Right, let's see what I can rustle up as No.3 Invert Sugar ...
But hang on - this is only page 4
Can't be long before it's page 5. I better get this sorted before I go ga-ga (according to you?).
Might have that wrong? I talk gibberish
up until page 5? But if I had got it wrong, and it's only page 4, getting it wrong would be what to expect?