TBH, I think that with the brew I am planning (my punch in the face IPA) the marginal difference in yeast wont be tastable with the overwhelming wholop of hops!
But its interesting to see the posts on this thread :hmm:
I bought a 500g pack of us-05 last year and split it myself, however due to my own fault and not being stringent with how i repackacked it into smaller amounts it picked up some sort of infection and I spoilt 3 or 4 brews before i worked out it was the yeast, i thought it was down to fermenting temps or not cooling my wort quick enough, from that point i always use a starter for recovered yeast or if i`m repitching slurry etc, i`ll never forget the smell of the funky yeast :sick: - exspensive lesson well learnt Didn`t put me off and Aleman will tell you some great best practices if you want to repackage or store a large amount of dried yeast :thumb: