Turbo Cider

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yeah, up until you start getting ick follow up the tube, then leave it be... I just wash mine out straightaway, although I have heard of the sediment being used to start of something else.

I would be interested to know more about that bit myself!
Actually that's a point. I'm out of cider yeast so I'm wondering what I can do to use what I have going already. Whats the best(easiest) course of action for that?
I don't know to be certain, but as I understand it if you use standard bread yeast then because it has a lower attenuation level you should end up with a sweeter cider and less of the sugars turn to alcohol. That said your lhbs cant be too far away surely???

I have loads of champagne yeast, wine yeast. and apparently uber wine yeast, all of which is going to ensure I get very dry batches (which the other half aint so keen on) still there we go!!

In regard to using what is left I am sure I have heard about it being taken out and put in a jar or pot and being fed with sugar etc to create a plant. gotta be an interesting thing surely?? A chap told me a while ago that he gave one to his kids as a pet (they couldn't have a dog) and they fed it etc and when it got big enough he split it and made them ginger beer... gotta be cool surely??

I assume you have done this then??

I ask as I am about to bottle my latest batch, Is it as easy as taking it out and putting in a jar? Feeding it twice a week on dried ginger and sugar or some such?
Decided to make my first TC yesterday (looking to ferment to dry with approx 5% ABV) ........ 4 litres of Apple Juice w/o preservatives in a 5 litre PET and, as I couldn't find GP yeast, I used Young's Super Wine Yeast. :|

The yeasties started to work..... within hours a head formed on the surface with plenty of activity in the Air Lock..... then....... this evening...... nothing! No bubbles, No head on the juice! :hmm:
I topped upto 5 litres with more Apple Juice and can see some bubbles on the surface!

Is this usual for TC or have I made an error somewhere? :wha:
did you put any nutrient in there??

If I am right (maybe not) but super wine yeast needs the nutrient to keep it going, My first rhubarb winne did that, it ended up so strong my eyes were bleedning but it was awesome stuff... nowhere near 5.8 %

No.... I didn't put any nutrient in...... I'll do that now!

Thanks Golder :thumb:
According to my notes I didn't use nutrient in my 1st TC and it came out fine. On the other hand, the 2nd and 3rd demis do seem a bit slow... 2nd got down to 1.002ish eventually. Maybe I'll stick some nutrient into the 3rd now, though it's been going a week so it may be a bit late. And it is bubbling, just not terribly fast.
I'm kinda surprised I didn't use any. Maybe I did and just forgot to write it up. Sheesh!
Really? I am in the habit of always putting it in, just to be sure. It never seems to let me down and I thought it gave the extra edge to give the yeastie beasties a leg up. my turbo cider is looking pretty darn marvy now...

You would know more than I but it isn't a bad thing though is it?
crE said:
I think I'll meet you in the middle and may go to 1.015 :grin:

Just pitched the yeast, used 23l afterall - didnt seem like enough room in the FV.

I like to do more than the 19l corny can take, then I just rack the rest into a demijohn and leave it for a while :)

I used s04 yeast again by the way, perhaps next I'll try youngs cider yeast like Wez did -- how is that oging by the way Wez?

i used youngs cider yeast in my first tc og was 1050 fg 998 ( i let it ferment out so i could carbonate in a bottle... dont have a flashy cornie yet) tasted like a blackthorne added some splenda for a bit more sweetness and bottled with carbonation drops... (had them left over from lager)
If Im trying to sweeten with splenda so as not to get bottle bombs does anyone know how much to use cos it is a lot lighter than sugar if you could give a weight per point per litre it would be really helpful. Or point me int he right direction
Cheers Evanvine - so nothing for it but to put a couple in and taste :drink: Im only doing it cos OH likes it sweet :whistle:
donny_1972 said:
I have just started drinking tc brewed from asda smart price apple juice and it stinks of rotten eggs and does not taste so good. My first batch i used tesco value apple juice and there was no smell and it tasted far better. So my advice is avoid asda smart price apple juice its no good for tc. My misses always said asda stuff was crap and now i agree with her.
its also only 50% from concentrate :nono:
Hello All.

I've bottled my first batch and it was far too strong, 1.090 on the hydrometer. 4 litres of apple juice and about 1/3 kilo of sugar and a full sachet (8g) of SN9 yeast.

It tastes more like wine, not at all cider y. I'm not disappointed and am encouraged by the fact it takes approx 3 weeks to produce some booze, so ill stick at it.

My second batch is under way, i went with no sugar and half a sachet to see the results, for some reason the yeast has gone berserk. A day later and its filled the bubbler, which I've now cleaned and replaced. The residue still sits at the top of the demijohn however. Its bubbling away nicely, but Should I swap demijohns for a clean one?

going forward ill try a different yeast as well, the youngs Cider one sounds like a good shout.