Turbo Cider

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trunky said:
That will be very interesting. I have been happy with the Young's cider yeast so far and the latest TC made with the 'not from concentrate' cloudy juice is excellent.
This yeast really is a revelation :D
I have tried fiddling about with different juices, adding tannin, extra acid and mushed up apples to TC and the only thing that makes an immediately noticeable difference is using WLP 775 :drink:
My wife and her friend who drink the majority of my cider production call TC made with this yeast, "Apple pie" cider :thumb:
My neighbour likes Cider so I gave him half a pint of TC yesterday.

He thought it was that good, he wants a couple of Cornies from Norm and is getting 25L of AJ tomorrow as well as Cider yeast. I donated him a fermenting bucket.

Looks like I may have got a newbie brewer on the block. :thumb: :cheers: :drink: :drunk:
Turbo cider left me like this :eek: , avoid it.... :lol:


had to chuck mine down the drain it had the bad eggs smell and tasted like really weak apple juice
did I leave it on the yeast too long as I dont know what caused that smell
I used to get that smell in the late 80's in all the real ales I drunk in those trendy pump bars.
I allways thought the stuff on the pumps was how its supposed to smell but I know different now as when I run a bar none of my beer smelt like that
so what causes it?
and how can I avoid it in the next turbo I try
tubthumper said:
had to chuck mine down the drain it had the bad eggs smell and tasted like really weak apple juice
If you search the various TC threads I think you'll find it quite often smells of bad eggs, but that passes, sorry.
Moley said:
tubthumper said:
had to chuck mine down the drain it had the bad eggs smell and tasted like really weak apple juice
If you search the various TC threads I think you'll find it quite often smells of bad eggs, but that passes, sorry.

I read this:
Sulfur is produced during fermentation, but will disappear in first two weeks of aging. from the description of that yeast TS mentioned above.
so it just means that I tried it too younge then
and all the real pubs I visited in the 80's were selling too fast then
live and learn
I have just started drinking tc brewed from asda smart price apple juice and it stinks of rotten eggs and does not taste so good. My first batch i used tesco value apple juice and there was no smell and it tasted far better. So my advice is avoid asda smart price apple juice its no good for tc. My misses always said asda stuff was crap and now i agree with her.
tubthumper said:
mine was sainsbury basic so will try a not from concentrate next time see if thats better
The Sainsbury basic apple juice has worked well for me in the past so I don't think that's the problem, as Moley said TC often has a sulphurous ferment, but if you leave it on the lees for a week before bottling and then mature for a couple of weeks the odour dissipates :thumb:
Hello all :) me again after 2 years!

How is everyone?

Trying to get myself back into brewing again to save myself some money and enjoy some better drinks!

I'm making what I consider to be an amazing TC with brewstews recipe.

How long do you guys reckon it would keep in the fridge in a corny? I'm struggling to remember as its been so long.

i had a go at making some TC a few weeks back and 10 mins ago tried my first pint. its turned out much better than i thought. i should have left it maybe for another week or two but the temptation got the better of me :D . anyway i used a mixture of cartons from asda and lidels and put a pint of cold strong tea in as well. after fermentation stopped i put it into cleaned out 2ltr. coke bottles with 2 teaspoons of sugar in each bottle. worked well with a nice enough fizz and i will be of to the shops for some more cartons of juice to get some more on the go tomorrow.
my first time at home brewing of any kind and meee likkkes :thumb:
There are two important ingredients in TC one is a good yeast the other is patience ;) 3 weeks in the bottle should be regarded as a minimum :thumb: