They look great :thumb:
Mcr what was recipe for summer fruits tc.
Glad to hear yours is going down well Mrc,
The stepsons girlfriend tried my Rasp TC and said it was a bit lacking in flavour but after adding a couple oi capfuls of lowicz syrup she likes it and says its better than lidl taurus cider which she drinks quite a bit of, so it looks like it will get drunk and gives me a base to experiment from but it needs more flavour and sweeter.
3.5l of AJ (farmfoods)
750ml of morrisons own summer fruits squash (boiled over for ten mins)
Mug of tea
2tsp malic acid
1tsp pectalose
1/3 of a packet of sweetened yeast
Then batch primed with
30ml of raspberry syrup
35ml of cherry syrup
Just wondering how those who have used it rated the "yeast with sweetener", ?.....
Yeah, definitely makes a big difference, it was me who posted it earlier in the thread.
Just wondered what your thoughts where, for me it convinced me to keep brewing T/C, at a time where i was getting pretty fed up with it's bland, sharp, appearance.
I tried back sweetening, fruit ciders, etc, and they never really did it for me, now using this type of yeast and experimenting for a few years now, i find i am producing cider to a pretty good standard, most friends, work pals, etc, who have tried it are pretty much agreed, it's very very drinkable, and maybe sale-able too (but that's for another day).......
Anyway good luck, and i hoped it's improved your T/C's.