Junk and disorderly
yeah just roughly chop em up is what I do, you just need to expose the goodness inside for the yeast.
Just wanted to let people know that if you're thinking of making a turbo cider . . . DO IT!!! I have made 3 x 10 litre batches this year and they have all been really really good. I can't recommend it enough.
My recipe, as follows:
- 10litres of Apple Juice (59p/litre from Quality Save, 100% stuff).
- 250g raisins
- 125g sugar (not really necessary but still)
- 1tsp yeast nutrient
- 1tsp pectolase (I don't think this is necessary given I'm making it from juice but better safe than sorry)
- 2tsp glycerin
- 1 large mug of very strong very stewed tea.
- Gervin GV4 yeast.
SG 1053. FG 1002. ABV 6.69%.
Primed with a full teaspoon of table sugar in each 500ml bottle on day 21.
Really great stuff. Need to stop drinking it as I'd made the last batch especially for Xmas.
I used them in mine, as I had no yeast nutrient.
So I was in Morrisons yesterday, when I noticed they were selling Prince's pure apple juice (from concentrate) was 2 for a pound. So I picked up 4 cartons, thinking I'd have a go at some cider.
When I got home, I realised I actually got 3 pure apple, and 1 apple and raspberry fruit juice (not pure, think it has added water, but has no preservatives in) - but I think this should still be ok right?
3 Litres Apple Juice
1 Litre Apple & Raspberry
1/2 tsp pectolase
1/2 tsp yeast nutrient
1/2 mug very strong tea
Sound right? I also have some malic acid, having read most of this thread, I'm not sure if this would be of any benefit? And I don't think we have any glycerin.
Any thoughts?
I would use the malic acid if you have some. I had to use cooking apples.
I didn't bother with glycerin, I used raisins. Just mash em up with a fork if you have nothing else to break them down.
And if you go ahead, my tip, based on my experience, is to leave it for at least three months before you even think about opening a bottle. :thumb:
If you think you are likely to do a TC again you could try what I did which was some bottles unsweetened, some unsweetened and primed to carb, some sweetened with 4 Cologran* tabs/litre no priming, and some sweetened and primed. That way you will be able to compare and find out what you liked. I also ran a little test on the Cologran* tabs just using water to get the amount of sweetness right before I used them. (*artificial sweetener from Lidl's)Another question, we like dry ciders, I see plenty of people here saying they are too dry without back sweetening. But how dry is dry? Can it be compared to any commercial cider?
Surely it will add to flavour. I saw dried cherries and thought of replacing these for raisins. Daughter loves the fruity ciders
It shouldn't be the glycerine, have you tasted it?
Top work..bottled up my TC back on Monday, tastes quite nice already....hopefully will improve more with age. primed the bottles with 1 level tsp of brewing sugar.
didn't back sweeten as i like dry cider. OG was 1050 FG was 1008.
Have a family bbq coming up in about a month so should hopefully should be ready for then :thumb:
Top work..
but don't do the cooking!!