No risk at all Labrewski as your corny has a PRV (set at well over 3 times the pressure you are using)so it would have to go well above the 30 Psi you are using to set the PRV off also I prefer to not leave my kegs attached to the gas as like some other people I have woke up to no gas as there has been a leak in the system so I no longer leave the gas on ever I just boost it when low to the original serving pressure when needed and turn the gas off again. It depends on how confident you are that your gas pipework is leak proof or like me how paranoid you are about losing all your gasMmm crank and shake in 10 min sounds very tempting I wonder how risky it is
That's another question once level of carbonation is achieved do u take it off co2 or it constantly need to be kept under pressureNo risk at all Labrewski as your corny has a PRV (set at well over 3 times the pressure you are using)so it would have to go well above the 30 Psi you are using to set the PRV off also I prefer to not leave my kegs attached to the gas as like some other people I have woke up to no gas as there has been a leak in the system so I no longer leave the gas on ever I just boost it when low to the original serving pressure when needed and turn the gas off again. It depends on how confident you are that your gas pipework is leak proof or like me how paranoid you are about losing all your gas
How do you carb the bottleI’ve done the crank and shake a few times now and it works fine in terms of carbonation. 30PSI, shake, check and repeat as necessary until desired fizz.
I agree that although carbonated it still improves with some conditioning time.
With my last two brews I have put 1.5L into a PET bottle and force carbonated. This allows me to have a few and see what it’s like while the keg conditions.
I bought one of these from Amazon. The gas disconnect clips on the same as it does on a cornyHow do you carb the bottle
I bought one of these from Amazon. The gas disconnect clips on the same as it does on a corny
Stainless Steel Carbonation Cap Counter Pressure Bottle Filling with 5/16" Barb Ball Lock Type CO2 Coupling Carbonate Soda Beer Fruit Juice Water (Carbonation Cap)
Gas up and shake a couple of times and then put the bottle in the fridge to settle for half an hour. As long as you open the cap gently it works fine