Thirst Gold Sat 25/10

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cool! three fermenter's worth in one go aint bad!

nice one on the SWB! :thumb:

if you like stout, i'll sort you out some tard 2 when i see you :thumb:
Sounds Good!

BTW - I only just realised that the cupboard under the stairs is 19c ALL OF THE TIME - Perfect ar What :party: Just the right size for 4 FV's too :D
did you say you're bottling ALL of it?

wanna borrow my bottle filler if it arrives in time? :lol:

perhaps we can organise it so i come up with the bottle filler, and vossy joins us for a beer and brings his goods, exchange beers, boiler, malt and talk ***** all afternoon for the bottling sesh :cool:
I'm only bottling the FV with the SWB in it, my little bottler can handle that but thanks anyway :thumb:

I'll get in touch over the arrangements for the boiler soon :)
These are down to 1.015 now......but...

one of the FV's is infected :evil: my first ever batch infection, it's a really awful tangy medicinal smell and taste, the other 2 FV's are fine so it's something in that FV (which is now going to be used to store grain).

Good job I still have the other 2 FV's to keg :roll:
whip it out sharpish so it dont spread!

sorry to hear mate :( it's a fecker when that happens and that happened to me on my first ever AG brew :cry:
It'll be sent to FV heaven, it served me well - I have a sack of wild bird food that I need to keep mice out of - I think that will be it's calling - the other 2x FV's are smelling and tasting grrreat :thumb:
And here it is in the glass :D

Cleared nicely, ended up with a nicely balanced beer.

That looks like a very freshing pint!

I know I may be off topic, and off-swinging the conversation - but by FV, do you mean fermantation vessel?

If so, why do you have to throw the whole bucket away just because one brew gets infected?

Also, what does SWB stand for :oops: ?

Excuse the newbie! :roll:


Nick :cheers:
crE said:
by FV, do you mean fermantation vessel?

crE said:
If so, why do you have to throw the whole bucket away just because one brew gets infected?

You don't have too, but they are cheap, and you cannot be sure that you have really got rid of the infection from a plastic vessel . . . especially If you have a tap in it . . . Likw Wez, I just relegate them to grain / gear storage

crE said:
Also, what does SWB stand for :oops: ?

I think that's SWMBO - it is from the H Rider Haggard book "She" and stands for She Who Must Be Obeyed . . . referring to a queen in an African kingdom who was always referred to as "She"
Wez said:
And here it is in the glass :D

Cleared nicely, ended up with a nicely balanced beer.


Looks awesome Wez - when do I get to try it? Or is it dependent on how well the bottle I sent you goes down? ;)
:oops: I had to keg it all as I ran out of time on a brewday so none bottled at all :oops:

Can I interest you in a bottle of SWB (Harvest Gold) which is drinking nicely at the moment?