The Official Fishing Thread.

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Wez said:
He loves it :cool: He's sold his house and got a lovely new built to spec narrowboat for £72k he spends his days either walking towpaths noting work to be done or carrying out the work (hedge trimming - path building etc etc)

that is one sweet job :cool:
yea sounds good to me, especialy living on a boat
This is one of the last fish I caught, and it was a lake record at the time. I've not been carp fishing for 3 years this year :(
I've still got a syndicate place at a brum water, but it's a far cry from going to france twice a year and fishing every weekend
Vossy1 said:
This is one of the last fish I caught, and it was a lake record at the time. I've not been carp fishing for 3 years this year :(
I've still got a syndicate place at a brum water, but it's a far cry from going to france twice a year and fishing every weekend

Nice one Vossy. My PB is only 18lb 2oz, and I haven't managed to go fishing for about 2 years either.
I fished this place in 2004 and caught a fish at 49lb 14oz.
The fish beached itself on a silt bed at 20 yards and I had to go in to free it. When I returned home I sent my scales of to be serviced by RH, to be told they were 'stuck' at 50lb :x
I later found out the fish was a female and I caught her pre spawning. We were fishing the last peg in the lake where the fish pass to spawn. She had been caught the week before at 54lb (new lake record) :x ...oh well...thems the breaks.
To top it off, I managed to throw away my camera film in a box of bathroom tiles destined for the skip, so I don't even have a photo of her :(

This is a 42lb mirror carp from 2002 and a common carp of 38lb 4oz (don't I look happy :lol: )


This ranks as one of/possibly my favourite catpures at just under 29lbs, a beast of a fish, over a meter in length. I caught it on a glorious summers day when there was a lot of algae in the water, then up came this bar of orange. It took the bait before I could set the swingers on my alarms :cool:

Carp for me too :D
Although there seems to be a theme running here, I used to fish every weekend and during the week too when I could now it's twice a year if I am lucky :(

Nowhere near the size of yours Vossy or toasted but here's a couple of pics


The last fish I caught,
Someone bring the burners and we could have a fish and brew weekend

If you were on certain waters in France or other places in Europe, you could stick the fish above on the b-bcue....each to their own I suppose. I've seen it happen in France, but why god only knows :roll:
If you go to Poland or other countries where they regularly eat carp, they will tell you that any carp over 7kg doen't taste that good.
Personally, when I fished in Romania I ate carp, and even when allowed to rest in fresh water for a week, it still tasted muddy to me...and too many small bones.
A bit off topic but this is my favourite fishing joke ;)

A young man walking along the Pier notices an old man with his shoes off, trouser legs rolled up, legs dangling in the sea and fishing with an imaginary rod.
Puzzled the young man asks, "What are you doing?"
The old man replies, "Fishing for tw4t5."
"Sounds good. Can I join you?" replied the young man.
"Of course you can, pull up a pew son."
The young man sits down and casts an imaginary rod out, and then says, "So, how many tw4t5 have you caught today?"
The old man replies, "You're the third this morning."

nice catch vossy... you look younger than me in that pic on the right! :shock:
cracking pics lads
now the polish come over and eat our carp and pike :whistle:
I was hoping to get out on the river before it closed but thats not going to happen now. Bring on the autumn. Hopefully get a few days fishing when I get home.
Looking forward to the 15th of march for the brown trout season starting. :party: :thumb:
Suppose I have that to look forward to, a day out with the old man at stocks reservior.
toasted said:
ive been sea fishing a few times but i prefer carp fishing i think the average size of fish is alot bigger in general


I've never seen a 200lb carp :shock:

My 192.7lb Marlin was a tiddler really... My friend Ali's was a bit better at 253lb's


On average a bit bigger than a carp :lol:

I've never seen a 200lb carp

Come on MEB, sea v land locked :lol:
You're spoilt over there for fish, but having said that Marlin are seasonal/migratory and predatory, the last two being totally linked.

I am totally in awe of the fish in your neck of the woods, and would gladly brave my sea sickness to see them in the flesh :cool:
Marlin are only seasonal because i can't afford to go out on 'The Ultimate Lady' during winter... Yet :hmm:
Marlin are in NZ waters all year round but only venture close(up to 25km's offshore) for a few month's of the year. The rest of the year we fish for Kingy's and Snapper. Kingy's get to about 40kg and Snapper a bit less than half that weight. I also fish lake Rotorua for trout. My biggest Rainbow is 6lb-not huge. Biggest Brown is 5lb. Both were taken on fly. I've hooked much, much bigger but they just laughed at me and pissed off. :roll: I spent a day casting nymph's to a group of brown's in the Waiteti stream that flows into Rotorua. I bounced the nymph down the length of their bodies at least a hundred times with no interest whatsoever :x I managed to get the nymph to bump into their nose a few times and they just casually shrugged it off. Finally one of the Browns got a bit pissed off and took the fly. It stripped the entire fly line and backing and spooled me leaving the tiny stream awash with mud and weeds. I estimated these fish to all be well into double figures. Next time i'm going with a heavier weight kit, and perhaps some grenades :lol:

I just thought it was funny that toasted said that sea fish, on average, are smaller than Carp???????? We use 4-6lb skipjack tuna as livebait for Marlin. 1-2lb Kahawai as livebait for Kingy's. I've also caught Conger up to 50lb, Skate to 70lb and numerous Sharks up to 150lb in the UK. Which are not huge for their species so an average size. Which is way, way bigger than English Carp.

Yes i am spoiled for fishing here. New Zealand is arguably the finest fishery for Striped Marlin on the planet. Same for Kingfish-the yanks are so pissed off with the size of our yellow tail Kingfish that they refuse to accept their's are the same species and therefore claim a different species record. :roll: The North Island lakes-Rotorua and Taupo are some of the finest lake trout fishing anywhere and the South islands rivers are teeming with huge, giant trout. The only place that can cut it in comparison is Tasmania-the trout fishing there is sublime too. Whilst i was there i watched a platypus feeding on freshwater crays(yabbies)whilst casting dry flies to a wily old trout-one of my best fishing experiences ever.

Coupled with the fact that you can buy a 40 acre lifestyle block here for the same price as a two up-two down in sarf lundun. Live within a stones throw of beaches that are empty and have the beautiful South Pcific ocean washing them. I live in paradise. :D

Vossy-how on earth can you look so depressed with that beautiful common?????????? :shock: :shock: :shock:

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