The Coronavirus thread.

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Not necessarily true as the delivery section of the shops is separate to that of the main store stock. So fingers crossed.
Not true in asda either, especially if it's click and collect. My asda shop comes from one of the massive in Swansea and then travels 70+miles to my house.
I can assure people that the supplies of the majority of items are getting through it is the idiot preppers who are still bulk buying even though they have a garage full already. I literally filled all the shelves with toilet roll this morning(6 pallets) to the point I also stacked them on the floor in front of them also and all gone by dinnertime, so the supplies are there its the idiot hoarders still buying and storing a week later
Fu$%ing Kn*&S
Very short sighted especially as they are handling cash.

Actually cash is probably not a particularly good source of transmission, it's people breathing/coughing over you whilst they hand over the cash that is far more of a concern :

I literally filled all the shelves with toilet roll this morning(6 pallets) to the point I also stacked them on the floor in front of them also and all gone by dinnertime, so the supplies are there its the idiot hoarders still buying and storing a week later
Fu$%ing Kn*&S

According to a survey done last Thursday-Friday, only 11% admitted to having panic-bought bog roll, 14% cleaning products, 16% pasta, tins etc - and 29% had not changed their behaviour at all due to the virus, rising to a third for SNP/Plaid voters and 38% of UKIPers (albeit low sample sizes, which also contribute to UKIP having the highest rate of stopping going to the gym) (and go to tab COVID_Q5(2) )

Chin up baron, you're doing a vital job (and at least you still have a job for the foreseeable)
A friend in Glasgow texted me today and reported that she is down to her last two toilet-rolls; and there are none available in any nearby supermarket. It looks like "Panic Buying" is a UK sport because apparently there are still plenty available in France.

For the people who consider insuring anything I will repeat what I have said for many years. "Dealing with Insurance Companies is like juggling rats. It ain't easy and you will probably get bitten." They hate paying out money more than I hate spilling my own blood!

With regard to "Delivery Services", a delivery from Tesco has just arrived after arranging it three days ago so no real problems on that front ...

... and with regard to getting in extra supplies (aka "hoarding") I'm glad to say that we started getting in some extra essentials (pasta, rice, dried pulses, tinned stuff etc) way back when the UK voted to leave the EU.

However, before anybody thinks "Smug bustard!" the things that we haven't got extra are toilet-rolls, water and bleach!

According to my wife's hairdresser, the shops in Skegness have run out of bleach! The mind boggles! ashock1 ashock1
Have started coming down with what I suspect is a cold but work policy means I’m going to have to call in sick for at least a week (which may well change know the talk is of two weeks)

Thankfully I’m in a job where this is fully paid (also think the company plan is to move over to having anyone who can work from home working from home so I suspect if I’m still off in a week I will be he told my PC will be couriered to me and be back in 3 months.

With regards to the self quarantine thing much as I dislike the idea I like the idea of being responsible for infecting someone with a compromised immune system or respiratory issues even less.
A friend in Glasgow texted me today and reported that she is down to her last two toilet-rolls; and there are none available in any nearby supermarket. It looks like "Panic Buying" is a UK sport because apparently there are still plenty available in France.

Seems to be fairly widespread in the Anglo-Saxon world - it started in Oz, and has already spread to the US.

I'd also point out that the French have bidets....
It was surreal being in Oxford today normally the city is packed with tourists, it was practically empty.

It’s going to be absolutely devastating for the pubs, restaurants etc. Assuming I’m stuck at home for the next few weeks I’m going to use it as an excuse to finally get through all the random purchases in the freezer and cupboard. Might finally be able to empty the one in the garage.
We were in Morrisons, Sainsbury’s B &M’s and Home Bargains today(just browsing of course wink...) and there was not one loo roll left, believe it or not though B&Q has loads, a wee tip there.
I would be looking for a different line of work in that case, no good flogging a dead horse. If you can't make more than what you could working as an employee I can't see the point in continuing down the road you are going.
Believe you me I've had better jobs and been in better places but women have stripped me bare and left me trying to start again at 51 and it's not easy having watch her sell her 230,000 house I built after it had absorbed mine. I can't believe I'm saving up for a carpet I've not got anything in the rented council property I'm in. Having a job in our country is hard enough and all I can do now is carry on trying my best. There are many worse off. By the way I went to lidle shopping today and there was hardly anything in. I ended up spending more money as the things I normally buy had gone, its crazy.
Today in Lidl:

no fresh meat of any kind
no tinned beans, tomatoes etc
no rice or pasta
no oats
of course no toilet paper or tissues
branded domestos gone, but plenty of own brand bleach

no problem with cured meats, cheeses, milk, butter and so on.

Regarding advice from PM, to not socialise - advice only, same advice was given about panic buying, really worked, didn't?!
I get that times are hard but what would you do if you tripped and broke your arm surely you have to consider things like this when you are self employed.
Chippy_Tea it's funny you say that because I hurt my arm before Christmas and after working on 5,1/2 weeks I decided to get it checked, yes it was broken I had 6 weeks in a cast but had to go working away in winsor for a few weeks, so Yes I must work as much as I'm able to. IMG_20200123_185720.jpgIMG_20200123_185720.jpg


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Why don't they say what the underlying health conditions are of those that die. Would help educate those that think they will be ok.

To be fair they've said lots of times that those with diabetes, chronic cardiac and lung disease are worst affected. I think the latest news is that heart problems seem to be the most important factor with regards to mortality.

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