TATTOOS What you got, where and why?

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Mar 24, 2012
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Barry, South Wales, UK
I started another thread about a tattoo I want to get but rather than derail that thread I thought I would start another one to see what people have and why they have them (you can also post your views of tattos in here piddledribble :tongue: )

Will start with mine:

Got this one a few years ago now, its purely a personal tattoo, when me and my wife 1st got together we could not spend much time together due to slight overlapping of relationships... The tattoo is suposed to be oof the orion star constellation:

Had more work done on it about a year ago:

This is what it was based on:

I also had this one done to comemorate getting married:

I have always been a fan of tattoo's but I am a fanny when it comes to pain, anyone who says that they dont hurt is lying, its an odd sort of pain though...

so lets see what you guys have and why :)
havent got any tattoo's, why?
because I can never make my mind up what I'd want lol! :wha:

Although SWMBO has a very tasteful small one relating to the most important people in her life.....our daughters! needless to say I don't appear in this tattoo. :lol:
I haven't got any and I certainly don't need a reminder of the happy day :lol: :lol:
Not got any but really want one. Thinking of getting a cap or half sleeve but just cannot work out what to get. Once I do though I will start saving the pennies for it.
For my little girl :)


I've only got the one. I'm not one for tattoos or anything like that. I always said if I was lucky enough to have kids I would get their names tattoo'd.
I also don't need any reminders of when the kids were born I remember it vividly, it was the day I stopped having a full nights sleep and the day my bank balance start a downward spiral. :lol: :lol:
graysalchemy said:
it was the day I stopped having a full nights sleep and the day my bank balance start a downward spiral. :lol: :lol:

I think the term is "Freefall", I have 4 kids and my bank hasn't balanced for years :lol:
Nah, everything I've had done was at Fallen Angel in Kdy.

The bit on my wrist says family one way and forever the other. The rose is because my little girls middle name is Rose.

I've got quite a few will post them tomorrow but this is my next I'm sure it's self explanatory lol

Will be coloured though
Full judge dredd back piece. skulls on both lower arms, jester heads on one upper arm, killer mushies top of the other, dragon on shoulder and a half finished caterpillar smoking a sheesha pipe while sitting on a mushy (a la alice in wonderland on my left thigh oh and a 'green mans' head on my right bicep!!! (best mates a tattooist) lol! (would post piccys but haven't got a clue how to)!!
wezil said:
Full judge dredd back piece. skulls on both lower arms, jester heads on one upper arm, killer mushies top of the other, dragon on shoulder and a half finished caterpillar smoking a sheesha pipe while sitting on a mushy (a la alice in wonderland on my left thigh oh and a 'green mans' head on my right bicep!!! (best mates a tattooist) lol! (would post piccys but haven't got a clue how to)!!

You need to find out :) - Sounds like an awesome collection!
Ohh a nemesis the warlock film now theres a good thought :thumb: Why don't they make a decent dredd film as well!! stop making them with actors and go the computer animation route, think how good that could be! Lawgiver to high explosive!! (i'll find out how to post piccys, and the only reason i don't have more is due to lack of time, mine and my mates)!! He's on facebook at dark rose tattoo studio, at ye corner watford.

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