Been shafted by my previous CO2 supplier...

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Nov 17, 2015
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When I first put my kegerator together I found an Adams gas supplier local to work, paid my deposit and got a cylinder of CO2, all good. Fast forward having been through a few cylinders and suddenly they don't have stock anymore, can't make any promises as to when they will, and the next nearest Adams gas seller is miles away so I go looking for another supplier.

Having looked up local gas suppliers I found one not too far away so head over to make enquiries. I asked about just getting a regular ~6kg cylinder of CO2 but they only did rentals however they did say they had rent free cylinders especially for home users. I had a look at one, kind of looked like they might have been old fire extinguishers or something but held a decent quantity of CO2 so I thought why not. I guess they filled them on site from a bulk tank or something. Next bit is where I should have walked away. So you didn't put a deposit on the cylinder but bought it outright, can't remember how much but maybe £50, but take it back and they will exchange it for full assuming money changes hands. I was in need at the time so I thought to just go for it.

After getting my new cylinder I took the previous Adams one back and got my deposit back, all good there at least.

So again fast forward several refills and I'm empty again, the missus is going somewhere nearby so I dispatch her to get a refill. At this point they'd also changed names and possibly ownership. She comes back with a stubby ~3kg tank which at least looks like a proper cylinder but less gas for the same money.

And now I've used that one up, they've changed names again, and I head over for another refill. I'm now informed they don't do rent free cylinders anymore but if I take the one I've got to any HobbyBrew / Weld supplier they'll give me a refill. Didn't offer my money back instead but took their word for it.

So today found a HobbyBrew agent fairly close to work. Very helpful guy there but basically told me I'd been led up the garden path by the other lot and they couldn't exchange based on the cylinder I had. I needed the gas anyway so I now have a new cylinder (which seems huge!) in the back of the car, and proper paperwork should I ever want my deposit back 👍

But I'm now left with this empty one and no idea what to do with it. I doubt I'd get anywhere going and moaning to the old supplier. Can I sell it on? Would anyone have any use for it?

On the plus side though, anyone in north Gloucestershire or south Worcestershire needing gas I'd highly recommend
So you had an agreement with one company but it no longer operates but you expected the new company to honour your previous agreement? Doesn't always work like that
From what you've said your local one don't deal in that cylinder size, don't fill locally so can't accept it as it's not part of whatever supplier agreements they have. Sounds like you need to find someone who supplies that type of cylinder and have a chat to them, certainly no guarantees of getting any money back though.
Taking CO2 cylinders from supplier to supplier seems to be problematic.

I 'bought' a CO2 cylinder from a supplier, but nobody else will do a swap for it, they all say you have to 'buy' or make a (probably non-refundable) deposit for one of their cylinders.

On the other hand I have a gaslight propane cylinder which everyone seems happy to swap out.

I guess it's down to cylinder testing, safety, insurance etc
So today found a HobbyBrew agent fairly close to work. Very helpful guy there but basically told me I'd been led up the garden path by the other lot and they couldn't exchange based on the cylinder I had. I needed the gas anyway so I now have a new cylinder (which seems huge!) in the back of the car, and proper paperwork should I ever want my deposit back 👍

But I'm now left with this empty one and no idea what to do with it. I doubt I'd get anywhere going and moaning to the old supplier. Can I sell it on? Would anyone have any use for it?

On the plus side though, anyone in north Gloucestershire or south Worcestershire needing gas I'd highly recommend
Thanks @Graz for sharing your experience, as it's the best way for other people to learn about the merits/pitfalls of the various options athumb..; and good news to hear you've found a decent supplier at the end of the day.

I remember feeling a bit overwhelmed when I first thought about getting a CO2 cylinder: I was very concerned that I'd shelled out on a regulator without paying due consideration to whether it would fit a 'normal' cylinder (whatever one of those was), what size cylinder I really needed, and whether I was actually even allowed to buy one as a regular punter! I took one look at BOC and realised that the cylinder rental costs were going to cost me an arm and a leg, so it was a great relief to find an Air Liquide agent (a garden centre in fact) not too far away - and I quickly realised it wasn't half as complicated as it sounds :-)

Bottom line for anyone reading this thinking of getting a cylinder for the first time: try, if you can, to find an agent of one of the regional suppliers like Adams or Air Liquide (check their websites) because you'll end up with a cylinder that you can if necessary take back to a different one of their agents. Also if my experience is anything to go by, don't worry if it's a bit of a trek to your nearest supplier. If you get a full-size cylinder (6.35kg) it'll likely last you at least 18months so you won't have to do it often...
For beer gas, go to the people who use it on a daily basis. Go around your local pubs, bars etc, buy a pint and ask who they get their gas from, or if you can tag one on to their order. You'll likely get one for £10 to £15 without having to buy or rent a cylinder. Then just return and replace when needed.
Bottom line for anyone reading this thinking of getting a cylinder for the first time: try, if you can, to find an agent of one of the regional suppliers like Adams or Air Liquide (check their websites) because you'll end up with a cylinder that you can if necessary take back to a different one of their agents. Also if my experience is anything to go by, don't worry if it's a bit of a trek to your nearest supplier. If you get a full-size cylinder (6.35kg) it'll likely last you at least 18months so you won't have to do it often...

Just to add to the above, the cylinder I have now was supplied to me by a Hobbybrew Agent:

Therefore my agreement I have is with them and not the agent themselves so I can take it take to any of their agents along with the paperwork I have and hopefully get my deposit back if needed. Same goes if the agent I'm using now shuts up shop, or I move or whatever, I can go to any Hobbybrew agent for a refill. Seems like they have a fairly big network of agents too so hopefully Hobbybrew themselves will be around to the foreseeable 😌
I just recently had a shock, i have 2 bottles from different places, one ran out recently so i rang them for a refill i was asked how long i had it i said just over 2 years, so the guy says ok you paid first year deposit so it's one year deposit you owe then deposit and gas thats £127-00, i put the phone down and they have lost a bottle
I just recently had a shock, i have 2 bottles from different places, one ran out recently so i rang them for a refill i was asked how long i had it i said just over 2 years, so the guy says ok you paid first year deposit so it's one year deposit you owe then deposit and gas thats £127-00, i put the phone down and they have lost a bottle
“First year deposit” my ar** … that’s scandalous. And as for £127 that is attempted daylight robbery
I just recently had a shock, i have 2 bottles from different places, one ran out recently so i rang them for a refill i was asked how long i had it i said just over 2 years, so the guy says ok you paid first year deposit so it's one year deposit you owe then deposit and gas thats £127-00, i put the phone down and they have lost a bottle
Are you at liberty to name the supplier, out of interest? I have an empty 3.15kg Adams Gas cylinder which I got where I used to live and have wanted to get it swapped for a full 6.35kg for ages, but my new local stockist are really difficult to deal with. I always get "the guy who deals with Adams Gas is off today" or "we only stock welding gases" which is rubbish because they can add any type of gas to their regular order and just let me know when it comes in.

In the end, I got to the stage where I really needed gas so I went to BOC and rented a 6.35kg cylinder for about a fiver a month which seems to refuse to run out - must have been going for 18 months now and I never expected to have it this long.

However, I'm debating whether to try and go back persevering with the Adams bottle, or just accept that I pay a fiver a month for a reliable service with BOC and take the Adams bottle to the tip.
I just recently had a shock, i have 2 bottles from different places, one ran out recently so i rang them for a refill i was asked how long i had it i said just over 2 years, so the guy says ok you paid first year deposit so it's one year deposit you owe then deposit and gas thats £127-00, i put the phone down and they have lost a bottle

Absolutely. And tried that on me years ago. I too put the phone down.

Ps. These bottles do make good bells. See utube
I won't name them, but are no were near you athumb..
I was just checking it wasn't Adams; I just checked and I've had the BOC cylinder for nearly two years, so I must have obtained that Adams bottle getting on for three years ago. So if it had been them playing that one year deposit game, I wouldn't even bother persevering with them and my empty bottle would be going straight to the tip without delay 🙂
Thing about Adams is that you can take it to any of their outlets.
As long as its stamped "Adams" on the bottle, they don't care.

I'm lucky, because I can go to Christchurch or Southampton - I'm about equi-distant. And Southampton, I can order and collect online.
The first CO2 cylinder I ever had was an Adams one. Can't really knock them for service, the prices were good, rent free and if you didn't want the cylinder anymore you'd get your deposit back with the paperwork.

Unfortunately the place I got mine from in Cheltenham didn't seem to be able to get CO2 in anymore, apologetic about it but I returned my cylinder at that point as the next nearest supplier was miles away.

I would use the again if I had a stockist locally.