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May 30, 2018
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Anyone fancy some swappery?
I have a nice wild blaeberry and raspberry kettle sour wit thing.

A kitchen sink porter x2

A funky old barley wine

An 18 months old funky Brett lambicish brown thing. Pretty great, if you like slightly sour, sour cherry and horse leather type flavours.
(I'd want something a bit special for this, and would want it to go to someone that likes the funk and filth..)

Also brewing a ryepa thing today, hopped in the manner of a neipa.
be ready in a couple weeks.

Let me know.

Also was thinking about getting another bulk load of hops soon so could combine postage if anyone wants in, though I'm not sure what I'm going for yet.
I have some freezer stored vac sealed EKG left also for cheap.
I'd love to try your funky lambicish brown thing, sounds right up my street. I have a 14 month old gold medal winning 11.5% eisbock to send in return if that sounds like something you'd enjoy?
Sounds super. PM me your particulars.
Let me know if you want any EKG for 15 a kilo and I can stick that in.
I say lambicish, but I can't taste much of the lacto bugs I pitched, but the Brett strains went well.
Wouldn’t mind trying the raspberry wit thing. I have a raspberry funk thing to swap, not as sour as I would have liked but a bit more lambic.
Can pm details if you are interested.
A funky old barley wine sounds good I could return a bretted American barley wine in a few months, my one is still slowly fermenting to scared to bottle it yet. I do have a few bottles of Mexican mole imperial stout if you like.
Wouldn’t mind trying the raspberry wit thing. I have a raspberry funk thing to swap, not as sour as I would have liked but a bit more lambic.
Can pm details if you are interested.
would like that indeed.
A funky old barley wine sounds good I could return a bretted American barley wine in a few months, my one is still slowly fermenting to scared to bottle it yet. I do have a few bottles of Mexican mole imperial stout if you like.
either sounds fine, however i need to dust out a bottle of it to see if its actually any good. i almost chucked it at one stage but left it and a couple of people said it was good a few months ago, but you cant really trust drunk palettes. i will report back
A funky old barley wine sounds good I could return a bretted American barley wine in a few months, my one is still slowly fermenting to scared to bottle it yet. I do have a few bottles of Mexican mole imperial stout if you like.

Stigman, I have a really nice 6.2% pecan stout if you fancy swapping a Mexican Mole for one?
A funky old barley wine sounds good I could return a bretted American barley wine in a few months, my one is still slowly fermenting to scared to bottle it yet. I do have a few bottles of Mexican mole imperial stout if you like.
Hmm, im afraid the barley wine isnt share worthy (except to drunk houseguests at bedtime). It's based off a wild capture, but something has turned to the dark side. Interesting, but not in a great way...
The sour cherry (no actual fruit) Brett type thing is quite interesting in a good way however as is the berry kettle sour.
I have an eisbock wrapped up for you and I'll get it in the post tomorrow. I tasted a bottle last night to make sure it was still ok, and there is a slight hint of oxygenation creeping in, however at this stage it's not unpleasant and actually adds an interesting complex "aged" character to it. I'll have to get the rest of them drank soon though before it escalates too much.
I'd love to try your funky lambicish brown thing, sounds right up my street. I have a 14 month old gold medal winning 11.5% eisbock to send in return if that sounds like something you'd enjoy?
I'd love to try your funky lambicish brown thing, sounds right up my street. I have a 14 month old gold medal winning 11.5% eisbock to send in return if that sounds like something you'd enjoy?
Enjoying your eisbock! Lovely chewy marshmallow and plummy malt going on. Is it oaked at all?
I'm not very familiar with the style tbh so can't comment to that effect. Certainly has a concentrated bockness going on. Anyway, cheers. Halfway pissed off it already.
I'll send yours back over soon, waiting for it to recarb a bit more still, think there's a bit of oxydaton happened in the last few months due to a bad seal, but still nice. I think the grapiness of it goes well with the slight sherry note. Didn't think yours tasted of o2 tbh. Had a slight edge some of my aged Beers have taken on which I always put down to trace infection or something to do with Oak but could never quite define, and learned to appreciate as an interesting note.
Glad you liked it mate, there was no oak in there. A little oxidation can be fine in a stronger beer anyway, but I wouldn't want any more in that eisbock so I'll have to get them drank soon. Looking forward to yours acheers.
finally posted the beers yesterday so should be with you tomorrow. to you dad (that was weird) goes the kettle sour blue/raspberry wit thing and as a bonus because you used sour cherry funk and added lacto which didnt do much, i added my sour cherry funk beer to which i added lacto that didnt do much, for your interest and appreciation.

to you steve i added a bottle of my bad beer mainly for you to see if the weird infection has any similarity to the harsh taste in your lambic. its not undrinkable but i would rather not have as many as i do, so feel free to ditch it if you dont like it... sounds like you got the bum deal there right?

had a bit of a ballache bottling them up as i was in a hurry and they were overcarbed and foamy and my home made bottle gun wasnt an option for various reasons, but hopefully they have a reasonable amount of carbonation and if not you will just have to track me down and reek your bloody vengeance

Beer dad, i very much enjoyed your raspberry funk. my review is as follows;
nose of jam on granary toast, giving way to leather and brett bruxy goodness. inviting taste, some satisfying booziness to round out the jam, perhaps slightly hot. my personal preference is not big on fruit or any non beer ingredient in non sour beers, and so because of that i was slightly wishing i could have tasted it without the berry which i think i would have loved, or alternatively with an effective lacto souring which had it worked i think would have elevated it to epic. however the cherry notes of the brett did round out the fruit nicely and it was definitely much better than a standard fruity ale.
appearance wise the fruit also detracted somewhat but im not one for caring very much how my beers look so not really a metric on my scale.
anyhoosleby enjoyed the beers from both of you hope you like mine. the funky one ive sent is one thats been a bit of a rollercoaster of flavour changes, some of which are technically faults but i think its ended up pretty interesting, although ill never be able to recreate it.
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Bottles have arrived safe and well athumb..

Thanks for the feedback, I was pretty much thinking the same. I have used cherry puree before and think this would work better flavour wise and colour. Or as you say lose the fruit altogether.
Cheers for the beers

First up the raspberry blueberry kettle sour:
WoW this blew me away. Great red hue and a subtle fruit aroma. Superb initial sour giving way to a sweetness on the pallete. A sour sweet in liquid form.

The other one LoL
Again this packed a punch. More like a raisin infused sherry. When I compared it to my raspberry funk I could see where the flavour profile came from . The darker malt added a level of complexity that I am not sure really worked. Definitely a sipper with a hunk of cheese

Just finished (and really enjoyed) the brett brown ale and posted a review here. Thanks for the swap, the beer was wonderful and I'm pretty sure you got the bum deal!

I haven't tried the "bad beer" yet I'll maybe crack that one after work tomorrow :hat: