Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

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I started a 27L apple and grape wow on the 11'th
It's still going well, I'am so thirsty lol
First batch has finally matured, just tried a bit (lunchtime half glass) it is EPIC! Fruity, clean sharp taste, truly a nice tipple...

Only thing I found was a need to filter it. Its a little cloudy, so gonna run it through a coffee filter paper and see what happens there...

Slapped another small 5L batch on this afternoon, should be ready to go in a couple of weeks.
A glass to test, still needs more clearing but very nice

The original orange wine (WOW) is a bit like Marmite some love it some don't, if you make it and don't like it do not be put off as there are many different juices you can use, Cranberry, Pomegranate and Raspberry based wines are very popular.

In the video below he uses 1 litre of orange juice and 1 litre of white grape juice, this is fine if both juices are 100%, supermarket Pomegranate, cranberry and many other juices are less than 50% so you need to add two of these to one of grape juice per Demijohn (DJ).

The two videos below show you the ingredients and the method.

Don't take too much notice of the time quoted for clearing as he intended to let it clear naturally (which can take several weeks) if you use KwiK Clear or youngs Clear It it only takes 48 hours.

I find it usually takes 7 - 10 days to stop bubbling then you leave it a week for the yeast to clear up after itself (failure to do this can mean you end up with wine that will give you a bad head and worse bad guts) then you syphon it (rack) into the second DJ (as in video 2) and degas, stabilise and add KwiK Clear (or any other finings) there is no need to rack to a third DJ as its only going to be in the second DJ 2 or 3 days before bottling.

On 18-6-2015 Roddy decided to ignore the "allow 1 week for the yeast to clean up after itself" rule and he and his partner shared a couple of bottles that he had fermented, finished and cleared in 11 days, this lead to other members drinking theirs "early" (read more here) -

Some members are finding their supermarkets are not stocking White grape juice but have Red grape juice, Red grape juice goes well with apple, cranberry, pomegranate or raspberry juice.
Red grape juice does not make red wine it ends up like a shop bought Rosé wine.

Part 1 -

Pectolase is used to reduce the risk of pectin hazes and also increases the yield from the juice pulp.

Glycerine is added to improve mouth feel.

Don't top up until until you have racked (syphoned) to the second DJ and degassed your wine, you need a bit of space when shaking the DJ to get rid of the CO2.

When racking to the second DJ he says it doesn't matter if a little sediment gets through as you will probably be re-racking again - there is no need to rack to a third DJ as your wine will be crystal clear after you have added finings to the second DJ.

Part 2 -

Rosé wine (One of the best)

1 litre Red grape juice (ASDA)

1 litre Apple Juice (ASDA)

800g Sugar.

1 tsp Tannin or a mug of very strong black tea. (3 bags stirred every couple of minutes as you put the rest of the ingredients together)

1 tsp Yeast (i use youngs super wine yeast compound)

1 tsp Yeast Nutrient.

1 tsp Pectolase.

1 tsp Glycerine.

1 tsp citric acid or juice of one lemon. (optional)


Amazing videos ,so informed now about a few things, thank you
I have returned to winemaking after a long (15 years!) break. I have still got demijohns in the garage as well as 4 rather dusty Cornelius pressure barrels. Probably more stuff lurking in there too. I used to enjoy winemaking from supermarket juices so after finding this thread started to gather supplies. Where I seem to be stumbling is white grape juice. I think it's easier to find unicorn spit!! Not sure why the shortage but have tried Tesco, ASDA, Morrisons and ALDI. One thing I have seen advertised in Wilko is Grape Concentrate £3 a bottle. Has anyone used this and is it any good. Otherwise back to the search.
Give these guys a ring and ask them if they deliver to any wholesalers in your county, If they do, ring the wholesalers and ask if they supply to any shops in your area. It didn't work out for me as there where no retailers anywhere close to me but i could get it online per case (8l) working out at about �£2 per litre. It has a long expiry date and i had no problem buying 3 cases to bring the cost down slightly (postage jacks the cost up).
Thank's Chewie. I gave them a ring and they have given me a wholesaler number to try. No one there at the moment but fingers crossed I can get further down the chain of supply soon.

I did find a Waitrose in Preston yesterday and picked up some WGJ there. It's a bit of a trek though.
Give these guys a ring and ask them if they deliver to any wholesalers in your county, If they do, ring the wholesalers and ask if they supply to any shops in your area. It didn't work out for me as there where no retailers anywhere close to me but i could get it online per case (8l) working out at about ���£2 per litre. It has a long expiry date and i had no problem buying 3 cases to bring the cost down slightly (postage jacks the cost up).

Thanks Chewie also - my local health store have let me order me a case:smile:
Thank's Chewie. I gave them a ring and they have given me a wholesaler number to try. No one there at the moment but fingers crossed I can get further down the chain of supply soon.

I did find a Waitrose in Preston yesterday and picked up some WGJ there. It's a bit of a trek though.
try ebay, 9 x 1L for ~£20 delivered
Hey All,
Has anyone tried just coconut juice in a wow. Wondered how it would taste? Might even give it a go over the weekend!!
Did you ever, and if so what did you use and how did it turn out?

SWMBO is a huge coconut fanatic so on her wishlist is something with coconut.

Been thinking about coconut/pinapple combo myself. adding some white grape as a base
I noticed a few coconut juices in my local sainsburys the last time i was in it, not sure on there % juice/water but give it a go.
My first WOW (1 Ltr Red Grape and 1 Ltr Apple + rest of recipe from first page) seems to have come out well. I used Kwik Clear and 24 hours later it was clear as a bell. Tasted a bit thin and dry (SG 990) so added some apple juice to sweeten. Tastes much better.

So tried a batch of something else today.

1ltr Waitrose White Grape Juice (100%)
2ltr Welches White Grape and Peach
650g Sugar
0.5ltr Boiled Cooled Water plus top up
1tsp Tanin (going to use tea next time as it coagulated on the bottom.)
1tsp Glycerine
1tsp Yeast Nutrient
1tsp Youngs Super Wine Yeast Compound
1tsp Pectolase
1tsp Citric Acid

Starting SG is 1094. Fingers crossed.
Tasted a bit thin and dry (SG 990) so added some apple juice to sweeten. Tastes much better.

We tend to finish ours around .995 as you say .990 is a little too dry.

We have always used 2 litres of juice but you could add another at the start and subtract the sugar content of the third carton from the sugar you add to keep the ABV the same.
I looked through a lot of the recipes in this thread and noticed a lot had used 3ltr of juice or more. As I did 2ltr on the first effort I thought I would try 3 this time. Luckily its cheap enough to experiment with. Is there a formula or rule of thumb to work out how much sugar 1ltr of juice is equal to?
The sugar content is listed on the side (of which is sugars) and is usually per 100ml so 163g for the carton. (see below)

The rule of thumb is 1100g of sugar for 14% ABV.

I now make all my juice wines to 900g as at 14% Mrs Tea was falling asleep after a hard shift and a couple of glasses, this works out roughly 10%.

RGJ = 163g per carton.

Apple = 113g per carton.

Added sugar 624g.

If i was to add another litre of apple i would reduce the added sugar to 511g.

Here is the info you are looking for.

a444444.jpg You can play around with the numbers on that calculator to find your ideal ABV from starting to finishing, if you top up with water when making a DJ sized amount then adding that in will lower the ABV down. .990 is about as low as you can expect a wine to get (dry), i find .994/.996 is a good cut of point as it retains a little sweetness on the palate, everyone is different though in there tastes/likes regarding wine.
Hi Alex,
The mrs talked me out of coconut juice as she said would have no flavour and was just water. She might have a point. There is part of me that is still curious though.diverting from the wow theme but if add raisins then might work. Saw a lot of recipes in some old book for stuff like cabbage wine and they added raisins....
My lhbs does a coconut flavoured wine kit, has the usual concentrated white grape juice as a base then when finished fermenting you add a liquid flavouring sachet just before bottling. It's my wife's favourite as they do lots of flavours, and @£5.50 for a 6 bottle kit a bargain too. Just bottled a lemon/lime kit which is OK but tastes more like a schnapps than a wine.