Hers is a recipe for Richard's Red from another forum, it allegedly comes out like a good red table wine, it uses 1 x 245g can of Young's wine enricher, I've not tried it myself but have a read and see what ya's think.
3 litres pure pressed red grape juice (3 for ã2 Tescos or Sainsburys 100% pressed red grape or you can use the Italian grape juice from Sainsbods in place of one of the pressed.)
I can (245 gram) Youngs wine enricher (* I get mine from Wilko's) this is a must as it gives some body to the wine.
1tsp nutrient, 1tsp citric acid, 1tsp pectolase ýtsp tannin and I always use a Vit B1 tab but it is not essential.
450 grams sugar dissolved in hot water to make 1 litre liquid.
Make up to the 1 gall mark with water if needed and check OG should be around 1090-5.
I always use 500 grams sugar this gives an OG of 1.100 at the 1 gall mark I then fill almost to the top this, I find, then brings it down to 1.090 and I then draw off about þ litre and ferment this in a pet this way I get a full DJ when the fermentation dies down and no frothing over.
Use a starter yeast ( I use Harris's super yeast but a Burgandy gives better results) and ferment to required dryness mine is about 0.998
Then the usual de-gas stabilise fine filter etc.
I usually get 6+ bottles using my method but it does cost about ã5 for the 6 but IMHO you do get a decent red table wine.
Regards and enjoy Richard G