I've tasted all my recieved brews and all my sent out brews have been tasted, so i just wanted to say how much fun this has been.
From brewing to packaging to sending it off, then recieving the beers and seeing them in the fridge every day, and holding off for them to clear from the travel and the excitment of trying others homebrew for the first time.
Thanks to
@dave_77 @Stu's Brews and
@pilgrimhudd for the beers you sent. I thouroughly enjoyed them all. Really nice and really easy to drink. A lot lighter than mine, but i find the kits i do are always a lot darker than the style they claim to be!
Thanks to
@Hazelwood Brewery @Tess Tickle and
@Alastair70 for your kind words and critique. Its much appreciated. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Yes, not everyone is a massive fan of kits and they can have an off/twang/background flavour, but i'm happy as my palate is not that refined, and i dont really notice it!!.
But Alastair has pointed me in the direction of foundation kits, that i will be trying soon.
So here is the moment you've all been waiting for - my recipe........

I used our fabulous Wellingborough tap water, with half a campden tablet and 9ml of CRS.
Pitched at 20 degrees.
Ferment at 18 degrees for 15 days.
Cold crash at 2 degrees for 5 days.
Bottled with 1x coopers carbonation drop per 500ml bottle.
Carb for 2 weeks in the corner kitchen cupboard, which sits between 19 and 22 degrees for 2weeks. After 2 weeks it had not fully carbed, which worried me slightly, but left it for another week and it seemed fine.
Conditioned in my conditioning fridge at 8 degrees for 2 weeks and thats it.
OG 1048
FG 1012
for a 5.2% ABV.
I just kicked off my milk stout from muntons flagship range. I've had it for a few weeks, so was really excited about the next swap, but sadly the category didnt get picked. I did have a quick look online for kits that met the criteria but couldnt really find anything suitable so for that reason, i wont be participating in the next one.
But all said, what great fun and a special thanks to
@Alastair70 for arranging the whole thing and making sure it ran smoothly.