That's sounds good. Yours or Clibit with his recipe know how?
The very kind Mr Clibit again :lol:
That's sounds good. Yours or Clibit with his recipe know how?
You lucky %#%#! I really wish I could get those!!
Do none of the online shops export to Japan ? or is it the taxes involved
None. I've contacted three or four shops both in the States and in your neck of the woods. Nothing!!!
I've even been trying to get that FV that is cone shaped.... It collects the yeast at the bottom... FastFermentor or something like that. Little pricey but having one mounted on the wall would be cool for big batches.
Im quite friendly with my LHBS i will ask them if they would ship to Japan for you next time im in :thumb:
Thanks. That would be great!
Here it is, 30 min. in the mash.
14 liter brew
1.6 kg Pilsner
900 g Pale malt
900 g Crystal 30
300 g Chocolate
Mashing 9.6 liters @66 degrees 60min.
21g Cascade 60 min
21g Cascade 30 min
14.7 g Cascade 10 min
14 g Irish Moss 10 min
Take 1 liter wort boil with 20 g orange peel 10 min
1 liter wort boil 15 g ginger 10 min.
S33 ale yeast.
Any input?
It turned out well. Really shot it short. 1.041. The ginger tastes good. Not much orange. I guess the chocolate was too much.
Yes. My aim was 1.058. No where near!!! I sparged 11 liters but ran into an issue when starting. My strainer was too small for that much grain so I had to make one on the fly. So lost 20 min. But a lot more sugars were still draining after sparge. But I had hit the 17.5 liter mark!!!
After boil, hit my 14.5 liter mark right on the money. So I had a sparge issue. The new bowl setup is a lot better so next time I'll be able to slow sparge and I ordered another 33 liter pot so, if need, can fly sparge in that as well.
Ordered a gravity spectrometer as well. Hate pulling 100 ml just to check gravity each time.
It's going to be the first session stout!!!! Hahaha.
How do you mash and sparge? We can maybe work out how to improve your efficiency. Possibly use half the water in the mash and then do a second 'mash' in your new pot, at sparge temperature, for 10-15 minutes. Then combine the two mash liquids.
Speaking of mashes, has Steve fallen into his mash tun and mashed himself?
Negative Clibit Steve has been quite poorly, Back now though:grin:
Glad you're back on your feet, how did today's brew go?
It went well i forgot about the scales again how ever i did only hit 1052 today so not that far away :lol: