In reply to Aleman. This is by no means an impolite post and should not be seen as one. Just putting right some myths.And is taken from quotes Aleman has taken from my postings on this thread.
I say what works works. My way works.
Ale mans reply. FOR YOU.
MY reply. My method of sanitising/sterilizing my brewing equipment does work not only for me but for dozens of users on here. There is no wrong way one can sterilize equipment as long as care is been taken to do so weather it be with or without chemicals. My preferred way is with as little chemical use as possible. I do use chempro for my fv paddle syphon etc but for all bottles a good blast of very hot steam from a steam gun. into bottles that have already been through the dishwasher and are clean.
I wrote there is no need to fanny about like the brewers do[ Meaning the breweries] This is aimed at the opening posts answer about using bleach. The o.p is not a commercial brewer so thats why i put no need to fanny about. Aleman goes on about commercial brewers. Excuse me a bloke in his kitchen making a brew does not need all the vast array of chemicals to clean 40 bottles. Commercial brewers have to because of H.S REGS and EU legislation. And when their bottles are on the shelf for up to two years. Although a cleaned sterilized sealed bottle of beer cannot get infected because there is nothing in there to infect it.
He then quoted me when i said i have not had one bad batch so i must be doing something right.
He insinuates it's just luck. :whistle: 9 kits this year 6 for me 3 for swombo. Not one bad brew.
FACT steam kills 99.99% of bactaria. According to Karcher. Bold statement that is if it was untrue Karcher would be hurled before the courts. The 99.99% is actualy for all bacteria found on a average kitchen floor. inc Listeria, E.Coli and salmonella. The most types that COULD be around your home He then goes on about Thermophilic bacteria. The chances of a thermophilic growing is very very small indeed and no need for the home brewer to worry about. That is tantamount to scare mongering.
Im sure Alemans sanitising method works But do not throw scorn on mine as i know mine works just as well.
We brew because we like good beer and it's cheaper. By all means take all the chemicals pills potions that some say you must but it is only costing you more for your hobby when it is not at all necessary.
One final piece Aleman once lost 15 gallons of ale. For all the care he takes. I'll just remind folk how many i have lost through my methods A big fat zero. I Did have a flat bottle last week tho. I have also this year taken three pints back to the bar at three different pubs because on two occasions the beer was flat and had a smell the other it tasted like peroxide and these were from cask marquee pubs. Ok one offs unlucky just goes to show even the big boys come unstuck. But for average joe public i would recommend clean hands. Clean bottles that have been washed or dishwashered. Steam bullit giving a blast of steam so they are very very hot. Fill cap store wait then enjoy.
As i say this is not an impolite post. Please do not take it as one.