graysalchemy said:
alanywiseman said:
graysalchemy said:
I don't know why Oldstout seems to want to poke fun at me.
All I did was to point out a thread on how to post pictures, then this morning I get a pm inviting me to put some pictures up.
No-one has to post pic of there stash or should feel like they are being forced to. Its up to the brewer.
It wasn't about posting a picture up it was the un called for comments which has p*ssed me off.
Hey no offence intened GA :nono: like I said in an earlier post, it's guys like yourself who give out great advice which the likes of myself use

I thought it would be great to see some of this forums more experienced brewers show us guys what they do - and again, you were one of them, but no sweat if you haven't got the time.. at my time of posting the original thread I had no phone/camera and not a clue how to use photobucket but was told by you that was no excuse....
Seems I misjudged the response I hoped to get by the takeup of pics offered

I genuinely would have liked to see what you had brewed - after all, your sig is awash with AG stuff that looks as if you would have a neat stash to show off.
Lets face it, it was you who decided - in response to my request - to put the pics up that you did. Shame you chose to respond to a genuine request with two pics that didn't look like homebrew stashes but nevertheless made me laugh out loud :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I agree with AlanW completely that no-one on here is being forced to post pics up, in the case of yourself you could have pm'd me that it wasn't for you and left it at that - instead you posted your fake pics (I hope), and I make a lighthearted retort at your negative response. Again, not my intention to pi** you off :nono: just a reply to your pics :whistle:
Have a beer :mrgreen:
....AND SHOW US YOUR STASH :grin: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: